Well-Known Member
As a matter of fact curious2..this info was passed to me by an informative the post again..smartest friend I know...but it beyond that,we have nuts to talk about...
First, say what?As a matter of fact curious2..this info was passed to me by an informative the post again..smartest friend I know...but it beyond that,we have nuts to talk about...
I was the manager that did the firing..... LOL you know the type!
All technology becomes obsolete eventually, it's the nature of the beast as long as we are progressing. I would not count them eol just yet. For those of us who run servers and compilers etc... handheld's no. There will always be predator and prey, people who wish to be kept safe without purchasing the knowledge it takes and so it goes.
H2.0 is an interesting concept. I'm betting mother nature is being her usual treacherous self and not putting all her eggs into one single strategy. It's to early in the game to see where this is headed. Just a different way to deal the stratification of society I suppose. For as much as it changes the glittering generalities seem to remain with us. Oh and just because we see our loop as iteration #2 doesn't mean that's really the value of iI wonder what iteration we really are.....
This post brought to you by durban poison x gsc (thank you).
There's so much I'd LOVE to say to this. It would be GREAT fun to spend an evening smoking and discussing. There's so much I'd like to say that I just shouldn't say here.Not first hand, LoL. I was the consultant that made your job more fun! -- side note, the new 5FDP CD, check it out, it's fuckin' great! Dot your Eyes -- my new favorite song, right before Burn MF. They remade Mama said knock you out. Tech9 is featured in it. -- and now back to the topic.
Antiquated, that's what we are. You know what's funny? People don't believe the stories about the guys walking into the NOC and accidentally hitting the power switch and killing everything... Battery backups, everything. Those big red buttons. I never understood the why, with Halon systems, etc. I know that computers will always have a function, and we'll continue to be needed to guide the ship (and rebuild it, mid-journey, 3 times, with 2 different teams.) All of those pretty apps that will eventually help collapse modern society need to be written somehow...
I was curious about that. I think we have been around for a while, even holding a dominant position when the brain was more primitive. Emotions evolved as a species defense mechanism, we destroy too quickly, and without remorse. When we developed true sense of self, we developed primitive ego, and our violence would have wiped us out. Emotions gave us art, that helped us advance science. Music is math, with poetry came abstract thought, and free form writing. Now, those emotions are driving humanity to it's own destruction, and we're on the rise again. with higher IQ levels, less ego, more logical thought, and no care about consequences, we're the only thing that'll advance humanity. It'll take us (we're 1 in 20 today, we were 1 in 100 in Roman times...) to get humans off this rock, and a truly advance species. We aren't the final step, just the logical next step.
ummAs a matter of fact curious2..this info was passed to me by an informative the post again..smartest friend I know...but it beyond that,we have nuts to talk about...
Asange, LoL.First, say what?
This info has been out there for a very long time. Again if you have an alphabet agency 'friend' who speaks to you about shit he shouldn't. HE IS NOT YOUR FRIEND, get it? You will become collateral damage.
Luckily few of these type friends are the ones who know anything as evidenced by that Reuters story which is very old info. Mostly these are the day shift janitors talkin'. LOL But if he's not you are a very very foolish person with a special olympic type 'friend'.
Wait is your last name Assange? LOL
See above. LoLyou never know the true grey men because they don't talk.
Or where ever else they finally run you to ground, eh?........snip......
Disclosing state secrets is an act of treason, punishable by death in the U.S.
There's so much I'd LOVE to say to this. It would be GREAT fun to spend an evening smoking and discussing. There's so much I'd like to say that I just shouldn't say here.
They believe a red button can pause our evil ways LOL. It's the same reasoning that ended up buying data warehouses for brute force sifting instead of other more efficient, and cost-effective, ways.
Oh and FFDP's new one is GREAT! I'm really enjoying Watch You Bleed! YES!
You know, I dunno that bragging about sex crimes is the lowest profile you can get. Statutory is still sexual assault...i had sex with a 15 year old asian girl when i was 19.
that vagina will forever be memorable.
Just want to say Five Finger Death Punch's song "the bleeding" is awesome. And I love the a7x bat country quote.5FDP's a crazy talented band, which surprised me when I first heard them. Haven't read up on BOFH in a while -- just like I stopped going to the website with squirrel nuts as the founding picture, and haven't kept up on my CERN certs. I was supposed to be due for a couple classes at Stanford, but I kinda' had that whole legal trouble thing pop up... So, with the move, we'll be travelling across country, in the roadster.Who knows what route we'll wind up taking, LoL. A fuckin' stoner road trip, haven't done that since I was 17, and caught a season of the dead! LoL.