Bye Bye Marijuana State Laws

I spell everything correctly. I am a spelling Nazi. I don't use spellcheck because it misses things. 30 years in journalism will do that to you.
Agree about the spelling thing. When I get stoned, I can't type. But I'm a lightweight. One hit, done.

I'm going to miss rec MJ outlets when Sessions gets around to shutting them down. It's been a breath of fresh air this past year or so. After the election, people who voted for Trump were all about "Trump will never do that". Now, diminished expectations, they talk about how it won't affect them. @tampee even said only stupid people get busted. As if he isn't, LOL. Again, shuffling the blame onto the victim, not the perp.
Agree about the spelling thing. When I get stoned, I can't type. But I'm a lightweight. One hit, done.

I'm going to miss rec MJ outlets when Sessions gets around to shutting them down. It's been a breath of fresh air this past year or so. After the election, people who voted for Trump were all about "Trump will never do that". Now, diminished expectations, they talk about how it won't affect them. @tampee even said only stupid people get busted. As if he isn't, LOL. Again, shuffling the blame onto the victim, not the perp.
Right wingers are just too stupid to be allowed to live.

If they don't go after 215 (medical) types, I'm still good. I have my rec, and I'll be growing in my back yard. If the feds come, I WILL shoot it out with them. #resist. If I have to die, then I die. But I'm resisting, no matter what.
Right wingers are just too stupid to be allowed to live.

If they don't go after 215 (medical) types, I'm still good. I have my rec, and I'll be growing in my back yard. If the feds come, I WILL shoot it out with them. #resist. If I have to die, then I die. But I'm resisting, no matter what.
That's just it. The right wingers aren't going to do the dying if/when violent resistance to fascism becomes necessary. It's going to be soldiers and protesters. Trumps supporters by and large are too old to serve and damn sure aren't interested in civil rights.
That's just it. The right wingers aren't going to do the dying if/when violent resistance to fascism becomes necessary. It's going to be soldiers and protesters. Trumps supporters by and large are too old to serve and damn sure aren't interested in civil rights.
I'm as old as the average Trump voter, but I grew up in Berkeley. Saw James Rector killed. Look up James Rector. Fucking pigs killed him. Fucking redneck assholes have ruined the nation. #CalExit #FuckTheUSA
I'm still interested in how you can deny massive amount of evidence created by the Nazi government that clearly states their intent and execution of their "final solution".

Right wingers are so full of themselves that they make a statement of belief as if that's all they need to do to convince somebody. Intellectually lazy.
all I did was question the facts of the damn holocaust I didn't research it too deeply I never even read Mein Kumpf this shit all started when I seen a video that suggested every time he said banker Jews they edited out banker. Would be a cool little propaganda/espionage tactic which we know went on and still goes on to this day ever watch RT or CNN? Full of propaganda.
that was based on a study where reagan had researchers suffocate monkeys with smoke, you dumbass. anyone with critical thinking skills can see that.
I know I read The Emperor Wears No Clothes by Jack Herrer. Does not change the fact the government said it and congress Democunts and Republicunts both backed it! Same as marijuana making negroes and Mexicans rape white women!!

So who is the dumbass? OMG Obama was so great. Even though a few police departments were given MRAP's because of marijuana growers. he also took your second amendment rights away for having a medical marijuana card. We've been set up it's like the what the young bull said to the pappa bull " hey dad how about we run down and fuck one of them cows?" pappa bull says " No son we should walk down and fuck them all".

I hope you haven't been paying your taxes down their in CO.
Agree about the spelling thing. When I get stoned, I can't type. But I'm a lightweight. One hit, done.

I'm going to miss rec MJ outlets when Sessions gets around to shutting them down. It's been a breath of fresh air this past year or so. After the election, people who voted for Trump were all about "Trump will never do that". Now, diminished expectations, they talk about how it won't affect them. @tampee even said only stupid people get busted. As if he isn't, LOL. Again, shuffling the blame onto the victim, not the perp.
Well you can be smart and get busted a guy with a PHD in biology is pretty smart but he ain't got a PHD in the streets I haven't gone to college but I have read a ton of shit about police tactics DEA, FBI even the CIA plenty about law. I know all about the prohibition of alcohol all about the gangsters and politicians. I moved to upstate NY for a reason I can make more money in the city but I will never get caught with a down homie to drive to me for a hell of a discount and charge $30 a gram all day making well over double the money. Also my security is tight as fuck 5 acres with a fence around my house guarded by Rottweilers that I breed and make good money off of too while looking like an upstanding citizen. :)

You can't just rent apartments and grow a bunch of weed in them and you can never under any circumstance trust the government.

Don't even get me started with the DNA mapping fucking retards it's nothing more than a DNA database gee thanks Sam The Skunkman. A well documented DEA informant and breeder working for big pharma and people actually trusted him to send DNA from all plants old and new. Gypsy Nirvana didn't have his DEA charges magically disappear either that's where Sam launched his DNA database for the DEA under the guise of keeping our strains from being patented yet I still have not seen a strain that breeds true and I've grown NL and Skunk #1 from different breeders and it's nothing like tomatoes
Well you can be smart and get busted a guy with a PHD in biology is pretty smart but he ain't got a PHD in the streets I haven't gone to college but I have read a ton of shit about police tactics DEA, FBI even the CIA plenty about law. I know all about the prohibition of alcohol all about the gangsters and politicians. I moved to upstate NY for a reason I can make more money in the city but I will never get caught with a down homie to drive to me for a hell of a discount and charge $30 a gram all day making well over double the money. Also my security is tight as fuck 5 acres with a fence around my house guarded by Rottweilers that I breed and make good money off of too while looking like an upstanding citizen. :)

You can't just rent apartments and grow a bunch of weed in them and you can never under any circumstance trust the government.

Don't even get me started with the DNA mapping fucking retards it's nothing more than a DNA database gee thanks Sam The Skunkman. A well documented DEA informant and breeder working for big pharma and people actually trusted him to send DNA from all plants old and new. Gypsy Nirvana didn't have his DEA charges magically disappear either that's where Sam launched his DNA database for the DEA under the guise of keeping our strains from being patented yet I still have not seen a strain that breeds true and I've grown NL and Skunk #1 from different breeders and it's nothing like tomatoes
$30 a gram?

You're a real piece of shit.
all I did was question the facts of the damn holocaust I didn't research it too deeply I never even read Mein Kumpf this shit all started when I seen a video that suggested every time he said banker Jews they edited out banker. Would be a cool little propaganda/espionage tactic which we know went on and still goes on to this day ever watch RT or CNN? Full of propaganda.
I do appreciate your honesty. In less than an hour you can check the accuracy of holocaust history against alternative views that deny it's existence. The body of evidence in film, pictures, interviews and the Nazi government's own internal documents establishing the intent to wipe out entire populations of people beginning with the jews is undeniable. Even hiding a jew from the government would be a death sentence to the people who did so. Yet, a simple 10 minute video was enough to make you question the existence of the holocaust. That's OK if the question encouraged you to dig into the subject but no. You hang onto the doubt without trying to get to the truth yourself.

Same regarding today's propaganda put out by Trump. He and his mouthpieces deny easily verifiable facts and call them fake news. They even call honest reporting by CNN fake news because it is counter to Trump's own fake narrative.

A question is the beginning of an investigation for the truth, not the end. Counter claims can be tested with evidence. It is false to claim that the mainstream press is no better in it's accuracy of reporting than Breitbart or RT . Where the mainstream press fails is more often by omission and half-truths rather than fakery. Whereas Breitbart often engages in false or facts cherry picked to make a lie seem real. Simple fact checks reveal pants on fire lies from this kind of source, including our own president.
Just so we get to keep our BIG MACS,,, all is well

sessions is now saying states can make thier own laws
but he is still a dork
The whole statement is much more sinister:

"States they can pass the laws they choose. I would just say it does remain a violation of federal law to distribute marijuana throughout any place in the United States, whether a state legalizes it or not."

States can pass laws but the federal government under Trump and Sessions do not recognize those laws.

Agree that Sessions is a dork. But that is an insult to most dorks. Sessions is more like a fascist.
The whole statement is much more sinister:

"States they can pass the laws they choose. I would just say it does remain a violation of federal law to distribute marijuana throughout any place in the United States, whether a state legalizes it or not."

States can pass laws but the federal government under Trump and Sessions do not recognize those laws.

Agree that Sessions is a dork. But that is an insult to most dorks. Sessions is more like a fascist.
Better off dead.
Well you can be smart and get busted a guy with a PHD in biology is pretty smart but he ain't got a PHD in the streets I haven't gone to college but I have read a ton of shit about police tactics DEA, FBI even the CIA plenty about law. I know all about the prohibition of alcohol all about the gangsters and politicians. I moved to upstate NY for a reason I can make more money in the city but I will never get caught with a down homie to drive to me for a hell of a discount and charge $30 a gram all day making well over double the money. Also my security is tight as fuck 5 acres with a fence around my house guarded by Rottweilers that I breed and make good money off of too while looking like an upstanding citizen. :)

You can't just rent apartments and grow a bunch of weed in them and you can never under any circumstance trust the government.

Don't even get me started with the DNA mapping fucking retards it's nothing more than a DNA database gee thanks Sam The Skunkman. A well documented DEA informant and breeder working for big pharma and people actually trusted him to send DNA from all plants old and new. Gypsy Nirvana didn't have his DEA charges magically disappear either that's where Sam launched his DNA database for the DEA under the guise of keeping our strains from being patented yet I still have not seen a strain that breeds true and I've grown NL and Skunk #1 from different breeders and it's nothing like tomatoes
From what you've written about your life, you are already in a prison. Maybe one of your own making but voluntary confinement, nonetheless.

The high price of pot in NY is due to federal laws against it. Same goes for scientific understanding of pot genetics. Stands to reason that the genetic map is poor given opposition to studying it.
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all I did was question the facts of the damn holocaust I didn't research it too deeply I never even read Mein Kumpf this shit all started when I seen a video that suggested every time he said banker Jews they edited out banker. Would be a cool little propaganda/espionage tactic which we know went on and still goes on to this day ever watch RT or CNN? Full of propaganda.
So you were just talking out your ass like an ignorant fuck. Good to know.
Maybe the boulreguard going to be too busy defending his legacy a while to bug us... this moment in history will not be written fondly of in the hostory books of tommorow. Stand on the right side of history .... resist

With this outfit in power im wondering whats less safe now: posting in weed blogs or posting the word resist anywhere on the net. These autocrat wannabees prob have intel on anyone that types resist on line...

I seriously get sad and irrate at times... the soul of our country is in a decay of alarming rate... so embarrased