Naw, I wouldn't say it's about that man. I would just say there is a time and place for everything, and some people really come on here to share and get advice, cuz you cant just invite your neighbor over and say come check out my garden and lets have a beer. So, we have to vicariously live thru the web to share our very treasured hobby. We are excited as growers, and like lil kids, that wanna share what they learned or did at school or something. That's all, then when our excitement it met by some asshole dickhead smart ass think they know it all muthafucka criticizing them, when the state they are new, and dont know the ropes. Maybe some newbs, didnt know they're FAQ sections, or maybe they didnt know how to navigate the sight. I mean be real when you first started this hobby you didnt know it all. So imagine if you genuinely came to this site for advise and got some asshole tellin you to do your homework, or go read, It's a bit discouraging. Just my thoughts on the subject. I mean the shit don't bother me, but some people have softer skin than others. Give them a break is all I'm saying. Don't just assume there idiots cuz they ask a question that to you is simple. That may have stumped them for ages, ya know. I guess show a lil consideration, and put yourself in their shoes. I guess that's asking a lil much these days, with so many selfish, self centered people in the world these days. Oh how I long for honor among men, (and women, CaliGurl, Lacy). Peace.