Bye.. C Ya!!

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DR. VonDankenstine

Well-Known Member
My 2 cents(it's probley not even worth that). With a busy schedule I still try to get outside for some exercise once in a while, we go to a nearby park where there are 8 basketball courts to catch a pickup game. We have been going to the courts for a couple of years now and have make a lot of good friends but on the other hand there are a lot of assholes at the same time. My point is that I wouldn't stop going to the courts because of a few assholes and miss-out on the good times with my other Friends. A little debate is good once in a while. "take what you like and leave what you dont":peace:


Well-Known Member
Im sorry no offense I am not trying to offend anyone but I think this is all being misunderstood it ahs turned into ppl thinking I am jsut not able to tolerate assholes or something that is not the point. I was just saying I notice more people responsed to a controverial thread then to a factual informative grow journal just kinda sad n disappointing is all I come for the hobby the help, advice commets feedback and a bit of the socialization. Mainly i post to share something that is close to me that I cant share with other ppl then YOU guys on here. and when u get very lil or no response it makes u think Y bother sharing then I can keep it to myself

My 2 cents(it's probley not even worth that). With a busy schedule I still try to get outside for some exercise once in a while, we go to a nearby park where there are 8 basketball courts to catch a pickup game. We have been going to the courts for a couple of years now and have make a lot of good friends but on the other hand there are a lot of assholes at the same time. My point is that I wouldn't stop going to the courts because of a few assholes and miss-out on the good times with my other Friends. A little debate is good once in a while. "take what you like and leave what you dont":peace:

DR. VonDankenstine

Well-Known Member
Im sorry no offense I am not trying to offend anyone but I think this is all being misunderstood it ahs turned into ppl thinking I am jsut not able to tolerate assholes or something that is not the point. I was just saying I notice more people responsed to a controverial thread then to a factual informative grow journal just kinda sad n disappointing is all I come for the hobby the help, advice commets feedback and a bit of the socialization. Mainly i post to share something that is close to me that I cant share with other ppl then YOU guys on here. and when u get very lil or no response it makes u think Y bother sharing then I can keep it to myself
The funny thing is that you never know what will be a hot thread or a dead one-I have posted on subjects that I personally thought would be followed closely and never got but a small view. Then on the other side I have posted info that was just garble from a day in the garden and the posts are still coming. Just remember its a forum and anything can and will happen.


Well-Known Member
Im sorry no offense I am not trying to offend anyone but I think this is all being misunderstood it ahs turned into ppl thinking I am jsut not able to tolerate assholes or something that is not the point. I was just saying I notice more people responsed to a controverial thread then to a factual informative grow journal just kinda sad n disappointing is all I come for the hobby the help, advice commets feedback and a bit of the socialization. Mainly i post to share something that is close to me that I cant share with other ppl then YOU guys on here. and when u get very lil or no response it makes u think Y bother sharing then I can keep it to myself
so is that what this thread is about???? mad about people not checking your journal out?


Well-Known Member
Naw, I wouldn't say it's about that man. I would just say there is a time and place for everything, and some people really come on here to share and get advice, cuz you cant just invite your neighbor over and say come check out my garden and lets have a beer. So, we have to vicariously live thru the web to share our very treasured hobby. We are excited as growers, and like lil kids, that wanna share what they learned or did at school or something. That's all, then when our excitement it met by some asshole dickhead smart ass think they know it all muthafucka criticizing them, when the state they are new, and dont know the ropes. Maybe some newbs, didnt know they're FAQ sections, or maybe they didnt know how to navigate the sight. I mean be real when you first started this hobby you didnt know it all. So imagine if you genuinely came to this site for advise and got some asshole tellin you to do your homework, or go read, It's a bit discouraging. Just my thoughts on the subject. I mean the shit don't bother me, but some people have softer skin than others. Give them a break is all I'm saying. Don't just assume there idiots cuz they ask a question that to you is simple. That may have stumped them for ages, ya know. I guess show a lil consideration, and put yourself in their shoes. I guess that's asking a lil much these days, with so many selfish, self centered people in the world these days. Oh how I long for honor among men, (and women, CaliGurl, Lacy). Peace.


Well-Known Member
Im sorry no offense I am not trying to offend anyone but I think this is all being misunderstood it ahs turned into ppl thinking I am jsut not able to tolerate assholes or something that is not the point. I was just saying I notice more people responsed to a controverial thread then to a factual informative grow journal
I intentionaly avoid grow journals for the most part,before long they become too long to remain usefull to newbs,i like to have fun & mess around with kids asking foolish questions but i also like to return the wisdom that others have helped me gain from my time on this site,my personal opinion is that answering newbs legit questions one at a time is time well spent.

I may be misunderstanding what your point of reference is here when you talk of other grow sites & their helpfullness,i think RIU is just as helpfull as the other sites, it just gets done in different ways.

Its pretty hard to compare 2 like forums,even if they both start out with the same goal in mind each forum will take on a life off its own before long.


Well-Known Member
That's all, then when our excitement it met by some asshole dickhead smart ass think they know it all muthafucka criticizing them, when the state they are new, and dont know the ropes. Maybe some newbs, didnt know they're FAQ sections, or maybe they didnt know how to navigate the sight. I mean be real when you first started this hobby you didnt know it all. So imagine if you genuinely came to this site for advise and got some asshole tellin you to do your homework, or go read, It's a bit discouraging.
Sorry but i dont buy that for a second,the internet is not new & neither are people visiting a forum,maybe new to growing but not new to search engines & web site FAQ sections,they found this site by doing a simple search & the same can be said about the grow faq.

When a guy comes along & says he's got a seed,now what ? how do you respond to something like that,after you've been a member of a forum for a length of time you get a feel for the people who are serious & really want to excell at this,you also get a feel for the people who have visions of being the next pablo escobar running through their head, trying to do a stealth grow in mommas house,with a cardboard shoe box light hood,why waste time with a guy who has put forth just enough effort to use google once to find us, then have a brain seizure.

I'd bet my life savings these guys who cant find the grow faq can easily navigate the internet & find all kinds of walk throughs,codes & cheats for their favorite video games,or to download free movies & music,not to mention assloads of free porn.

I forgot to add,when i 1st started thinking about growing again after taking 20 plus years off i found RIU,i spent several months here,reading,lurking & learning before i jumped in,i wanted to succeed with my grow & only ask sensible questions,i read,i learned,i joined,i suceeded in a big way.
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Well-Known Member
Sorry to see you go. Best of luck to you.

I rarely visit Grow Journals now that I sort of know what I am doing. Grow journals are helpful when researching a strain. This is where a grower's direct experience can benefit me. I can learn all sorts of things about a strain, especially if I can find a grow using identical equipment as mine.

Most members of this forum are young adult males. I try not to act shocked when I see threads I find questionable, especially those bragging about various non-cannabis related criminal acts.
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