BZP Benzylpiperazine


Active Member
Benzylpiperazine is legal in new zealand im from a city in new zealand named palmerstin north.i can go to a walk to my local shop and get around 600mg of Benzylpiperazine,bzp for $20.this is the sad thing it is becoming a class c drug on December the 18th with the 1st 6 months having no charge with posseson.i am rely asking if you like to take Benzylpiperazine how mutch are you paying and how much bzp will you get



Active Member
The effects of BZP are largely similar to, but much weaker than, amphetamines, with one study finding that former amphetamine addicts were unable to distinguish between dextroamphetamine and BZP administered intravenously.Users report alertness, euphoria and a general feeling of well being. The perception of certain sensations such as taste, colour or music may be subjectively enhanced. The average duration is longer than that of dextroamphetamine, typically lasting 4-6 hours with reports as long as 8 hours depending on the dose. A recent study has shown that mixtures of BZP with other piperazine drugs such as TFMPP share certain pharmacodynamic traits with OpenDNS.[11] Sometimes with the same dose, there are reports of, extreme anxiety, lack of concentration and difficulty to deal with every day problems (the latter two more common during the "comedown" period).