C r e e p y


Ursus marijanus
I noticed the the article was value-neutral until i found this portion:

There are finite food resources on Planet Earth. As a result there is a finite limit to the total biomass. The sum total of all living things on Earth, the biomass, is existing comfortably at the carrying capacity of this planet. It has been doing so ever since there was life on our planet.
With a limited amount of sunlight falling on the ground there is a limited amount of vegetation that can grow and thus a limited number of animals that can be supported. (“Human Overpopulation” @ Deep Ecology Hub)

This contains several miscarriages of logic in order to push the ideological conclusion. Carrying capacity is not linked, directly or otherwise, to biomass. I also dissent from the basic premise betrayed by the "deep ecology" tag, which to me is codespeak for "humans don't belong on the planet".

But really, discovering that the sub-seafloor biomass was overestimated has no consequence for the metabolic throughput of the active portions. cn

Shannon Alexander

Well-Known Member
I noticed the the article was value-neutral until i found this portion:

There are finite food resources on Planet Earth. As a result there is a finite limit to the total biomass. The sum total of all living things on Earth, the biomass, is existing comfortably at the carrying capacity of this planet. It has been doing so ever since there was life on our planet.
With a limited amount of sunlight falling on the ground there is a limited amount of vegetation that can grow and thus a limited number of animals that can be supported. (“Human Overpopulation” @ Deep Ecology Hub)

This contains several miscarriages of logic in order to push the ideological conclusion. Carrying capacity is not linked, directly or otherwise, to biomass. I also dissent from the basic premise betrayed by the "deep ecology" tag, which to me is codespeak for "humans don't belong on the planet".

But really, discovering that the sub-seafloor biomass was overestimated has no consequence for the metabolic throughput of the active portions. cn

Yeah..! what he said...