i'm bored. here's my CO2 story. i have a few.
so my first indoor grow with HIDs, i lined the walk in closet with tubing and hooked up a midsize tank. i'd exchange the tank as needed. one day, i put a freshly filled tank in the kitchen while i did some stuff. as i'm sitting there, nicely stoned, a shocking sound, very loud like a train in your house whooshing by, it was very loud. the tank bounced off a couple of walls and hissed it's gas out over a minute or so. that fucking thing could have gone off in my trunk. i think the seal burst on the tank. it was the last time i used CO2. the lights were dangerous enough.
Hi officer! why do i have a CO2 canister sticking out of my closed trunk? ummm
i also locked myself in the closet as i was setting it up. the door was solid, like iron but not iron. i was changing the door knob, closed the door while in the closet and holy fuck, i panicked for a couple minutes. i had determined that i would have to yell for help. have somebody smash a window, see my set up and i'm in jail for the duration. then thank you god, i found the old door knob on the floor and opened it. totally fucked up my high.