C99 BX-1 & Fast Bud ScrOG Grow Questions - DWC - please help!


Active Member

Hi everyone, I read a lot on this forum but don't post much. But now I hope I can get some help from you guys experienced in DWC about a few general things!
I have grown in these closets a couple times now, but have been mostly unsuccessful in my attempts to have a good yield. Basically, I jumped in right away and learned a lot of things the hard way. I now realize I certainly was facing root rot due to being lazy essentially, but those days are behind me lol. :-P I also had a bout with spidermites. I know now that I had no chance of combating them in the stage i disovered it due to the aforementioned laziness. I've done a lot of learning about preventing root rot, etc. But I am still confused about a few things that I really hope to get educated on before I start the next grow, which must be successful!

I plan on seeing what the hype is about regardless of other options out there, and going with the full line of AN nutes.

Sensi Grow A+B
Connoisseur A+B
And all the supplements up to grand master. I just want the highest chance of these plants to thrive!!

The veg closet has a 400w MH and a 16 site DWC system with drip-feeders. Flower closet is the same except a 600w HPS

I ordered 10 fem seeds of C99 BX-1 and a 3 pack of fast bud #2. I'm probably going to crack about 7 of the C99 seeds and hopefully all 3 of the fast bud to make a total of 10 plants vegging

It'll be a scrog, and I'll probably let them veg for about 2-3 weeks before moving all the plants over to the flowering closet. I figure the fast bud will finish in a couple months total from seed and I'll harvest those way before the C99. Then I'll just be waiting on those ladies. BUT to the point, I seriously cannot make any mistakes and lose to root rot or spidermites again somehow! So please bare with me as I copy and paste my list of questions. Answers to any of them are greatly appreciated.

what is the BEST way of preventing spider mites altogether? the closets are in a basement, so might i be more prone to them regardless of a clean grow environment? should i be putting something else in the res every fill up to ward them off?

should i be putting H202 in my reservoir at every fill up to help prevent root rot? i feel like i should be, if so how much for a 15 gallon/57L rez?

would the H202 interfere somehow with all the nutes during flowering?

best technique for yield in SCROG?? (topping/supercropping/etc)

should i drip-feed the plants while lights are off at all?

can i use tap water of 85-100ppm in vegging/flower ifthe ph and ppm are within a good range after mixing or should it strictly be clean water as i've used in the past?

i've heard after you fill the water up to the bottom of the net cups in the cloner the first fill, you shouldn't fill it that high again to prevent rot. is this true?

Anyone that can help me with these questions I thank you greatly!! have a great day everyone :leaf:

Chronic Indica

Active Member
People usually get spider mites through clone exchanging or bringing plants from outdoor to indoor.

If your grow style is SCROG i would TOP/LST while young until you have enough tops to bend through the squares, thats just a suggestion. As far as the rest of the questions go I am soil grower so i wouldn't know lol. Good luck with the grow. :bigjoint:
I had an issue with rot in dwc caught it pretty early & a buddy suggested adding dutch master's zone into my res. It helped out a ton i still had minor rot but i think it was the roots that were already affected. Since adding it my root mass has gotten bigger and never had any signs of rot since.