C99 The Easy Way


New Member
Here is my grow journal where you will see little mention of pH or ppm's. Just good ole fashioned container growing. Fresh Flavors medium(Meijers store brand), worm castings, fish emulsion, Epsomas Garden-Tone and well water. Have dolomite in the wings just in case but I hope to get through the entire grow without it. Its my first time using the potting mix so time will tell. The beans have been down for 5 days and still have not popped. But not really worried as they are better than 10yrs old so it may be another day or so.
Per 1 gallon of Fresh Flavor I added 1/2 gallon of worm castings, 1/4 gallon of perlite and 1 tablespoon Garden-Tone. Then watered the mix and its been cooking for about a week. The beans went into straight Fresh Favor which by the way looks and smells really great right out of the bag. Seems to be a nice balance of peat/compost and perlite.
I warn those that may not already know. I am blunt and too the point and at times just down right grouchy when it comes to certain things. Take it as you please, but as someone recently posted in a thread "I would rather be hated for being me than loved for being someone I am not". If you thick skinned and can take contructive criticism then welcome aboard. If not your still welcome, just do not expect much response from me when it comes to internet myth and lore. I have been cultivating cannabis for many a moon. And much of the cannabis forum bullshit just pisses me off. It leads so many new growers astray they often give up trying to grow all together. And that disheartens me being its such an easy plant to grow, as long as you dont get caught up in all the hype. And the hype in this grow will be the finished product. In between just tried and true growing methods.

Edit: I think I will start a few Jack Hammers in 2 or 3 weeks and do a bit of breeding. An Old School 'Dust Up'. Sativa meets Indica......


New Member
Well the entire first batch were duds. Not al that surprised beings they were not the spunkiest beans to begin with 10 years ago. I am going to put another 6 down to see if we can get some sprouts. If not I do have some fresher C99 beans(peronal F-5s)to pop. To fill the gap I also planted some Speed Queens(personal F-3s)to keep things interesting while we wait on the C99s to appear. Probaly going to go ahead and get the Jack Hammers going also, would like to have some JH smoke for the holiday season.


New Member
Some of the old beans finally popped. Look at those green cots on the older plants, with nodes above. And the Mango looks like its finally ready to go under.:weed:


New Member
Jack Hammers up and about in Hempys. C99 were all weak and got dumped. 6 G-13s just down. Going to be a busy week but will get a complete update posted soon.


Well-Known Member
Wow ur actually using a MH...I'm suprised....but u still like the smell of my nuts...take a big whiff!

and i think its funny, you think your makin fun of me or somthing puttim my comment in ur sig?....plants emit oxygen as a byproduct of photosynthesis, FACT...and we know for a fact plant leaves emit water vapor in transpiration, FACT....and the roots IMO emiit VERRY SMALL amounts water after feedin, the water is more acidic then it went in.....prove me wrong on that....i find it funny that the concept is so hard for you to grasp


Well-Known Member
Jack Hammers up and about in Hempys. C99 were all weak and got dumped. 6 G-13s just down. Going to be a busy week but will get a complete update posted soon.
Thats too bad... G13 + C99 = Killer queen! Fuckin awesome pot and those beans are hard to come by!


New Member
HPIM4249.jpgHPIM4253.jpgHPIM4254.jpgHPIM4256.jpg Heres the Jack Hammers in their hempys, dutch buckets lined on the bottom with hydroton and perlite on top. They are getting Ionic and tap water. I just top water every 2 or 3 days, hempy meets drain to waste. 10 days 12/12 and xmas to harvest.
HPIM4250.jpgHPIM4251.jpg The G-13s pretty much 12/12 from seed. The plant in the black pot is not a G13.
HPIM4252.jpg Speed Queen 12/12 from seed with a few weeks too go. Lots of 12/12 I know but you have to remember the JHs in the hempys. I just want be sure to have room to finish any JH girls. 13-15 week flowering under the best Sannie says with the F2. Can myself and the buckets see them through???