CA ballot Initiative that would Tax Marijuana like Wine

I'm sure someone will have something to complain about. I haven't read the entire petition. I do see they are saying a person might only be able to grow 12 plants but 12 plants can be a great amount. I certainly like the stance against the feds by suggesting CA will not help you prosecute and you will have to prosecute in a CA court. It sounds like a sensible plan. You can grow grapes or whatever and make a certain amount of wine in your basement. It hasn't hurt wine sales. Many wouldn't bother because of the tedious nature. Marijuana for many would be just as tedious. Not everyone grows tomatoes but they buy them and their products. That's the other thing it would open up the door more to commercial ventures. I think on the surface it's a potential win win for all(save for the drug dealers, feds, and law enforcement in general making a career out of it).
12 Plants is fine, really. Unless you are a suck ass grower or trying to kink the laws and skirt paying your fare share of taxes.
Yes it's time to DONATE and to gather signatures.

I am asking where I can go to help. I donate monthly.

Spread the word on this.. RMLW is better than Prop 19 by far!
this is awesome because it clearly states that it will not effect medical marijuana prop 215 AT ALL! that is amazing haha so i can have my medical grows and a commercial one HAHAHA YES!
i have watched the feedback on the 'other' site(ic), and there doesn't seem to be too much to complain about
but you can see a few are complaining, count on the trolls to come out if this gets on the ballot
mostly about big pharma taking control
RMLW has some issues in my opinion but I believe allowing 12 plants per person is a great way to go. ( I think that is the number allowed )

Remember Prop 19 made us ask a third party for permission ( landlord ) and limited gardens to one per property.

What good is freedom if it only applies to land owners.

Anyway no matter where you are Donate to RMLW because if California gets it then when the Feds have to adopt it there will be that much freedom by law.

Spread the word!
Donate even one Dollar!!! Donate a Dollar! $1 if that is all you can do. You will feel better and have a better sense of self esteem.

If 1000 people will donate a dollar it will be $1000 more than if they don't!
Re read it ---24 plants up to 12 lbs per adult a year. That should get you through some picnics and a cold winter. Please Register it takes 3 minutes in front of the grocery store. Ask for ballot by mail and you will vote for sure in the comfort of your home.
We cannot win if we don't play!

Get in line and do the time to sign sign sign!

Donate today so it won't go away like the hopes of yesterday and prop 19.

Get up Stand up!

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