Ca prop 64 effects on street prices?

Ca prop 64

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Your body has it's own Endocannabinoid system....why do we have Canna receptors naturally? THC can be consumed in many ways other than burning...I like to vaporize
I don't know the specifics of the endocannabinoid system but the natural cannabinoid, anandamide, also produces the same negative effects as THC. I guess it must be a controlled balance of natural cannabinoids as opposed to just random bombardment with THC. THC also stays in your system longer, about a month. Anyway, just pointing out that recreational cannabis use may not be quite as benign as generally believed.

People can browse the little research that's available and make their own choices. For medical use, I strongly suggest raw cannabis preparations unsmoked. You won't get high but you might get well. From the scant information on THCA effects currently available it appears to be a far more powerful medicine than THC anyway. People have just been focusing on THC and CBD and ignoring THCA for some reason.
I don't know the specifics of the endocannabinoid system but the natural cannabinoid, anandamide, also produces the same negative effects as THC. I guess it must be a controlled balance of natural cannabinoids as opposed to just random bombardment with THC. THC also stays in your system longer, about a month. Anyway, just pointing out that recreational cannabis use may not be quite as benign as generally believed.

People can browse the little research that's available and make their own choices. For medical use, I strongly suggest raw cannabis preparations unsmoked. You won't get high but you might get well. From the scant information on THCA effects currently available it appears to be a far more powerful medicine than THC anyway. People have just been focusing on THC and CBD and ignoring THCA for some reason.
Yeah well in the end I'm pretty sure that it will turn out that what does the job (medicinally) is the combination of various substances and their information fields as well as that of the soil and the environment they grew up in, just like other medicinal herbs. Nowadays we seem to have this tendency to go looking for the ONE answer, as if Nature ever showed us one-dimensional solutions haha
This topic has been derailed somewhat but I do not see street prices going down anytime soon .

I’m in the bay and we have had legal weed for 20 years now and the price stays afloat @ north of 300/ounce and people are very happy to pay that..

Harborside is a prime example.. Every single day of the week they have a non stop line going from the time they open till the time they are closed to the tune of about $22,000,000 /year

Everybody who wants legal weed has it now, and are accustomed to paying 40-60$ an 1/8 + sales tax.

Legal weed for starters is only going to be sold in small quantities never more than an ounce because you will go to jail if you have more than that if it’s legal lol.

Let’s look at other some expenses in doing retail..

taxes, compliance , permits, security, build out costs, retail locale operating expenses, employees, insurance, licensing , distribution, transport, inspections, etc

taxes under AUMA ;
9.25 /oz cultivation tax
15% excise tax
sales tax (9.75% by me)
local and county taxes (TBD)

How much is a license?? Nobody knows.. lol

Not only does AUMA have state licensing but also a local or county license is required.

I am sure I am missing a hell of a lot here I know some business smacks that could come here and give a true detailed estimate of operating costs , like taking into account garbage service, worker’s compensation, electricity, property tax , etc.

Couple all these expenses of doing business legally and then take into consideration that under 280e tax code most of this stuff cannot even be written off ???

Does anybody seriously think prices will go down ? I don’t .. at least not anytime soon
Yeah, that was step up there. However, an even BIGGER step up would be if you weren't a goddamn mental case.

i'm incredibly mentally stable thanks to nature's goodness. xD you're the one harrassing people on a marijuana message board - even if this is the free-est of your free time, that's pretty pathetic xD
cannabis works better to kill you than opioid pain meds? troll harder lol
Since when have benzos been opioids? Anyway, I guess I shouldn't tip off the public about the dangers of THC. They're the golden goose. I was just kidding. THC is good for you. I suggest everyone buy as much as they can afford.
Smoked medical weed is a scam, and so is decarbed oral medical weed. THC has no medical benefits that can't be replicated by other herbal compounds without suppressing your immune system, making you more vulnerable to bacterial and viral infections and cancer. The only real purpose for THC is to get people intoxicated, but at a steep price to health. THCA is a medicine, but THC is a drug and not even a natural product. It is a modification of the natural product THCA by heat. It would be accurate to say that THC is a synthetic product. The synthetic process just happens to be rather simple.

The compounds in the cannabinoid are very beneficial in many ways. Maybe in 20 years your little country will catch up with others and realize the factual benefits of cannabis.

Raph Mechoulam, the preeminent cannabis researcher on the planet, said recently that he believes that the cannabinoid will be the solution to all human disease.

The compounds in the cannabinoid are very beneficial in many ways. Maybe in 20 years your little country will catch up with others and realize the factual benefits of cannabis.

Raph Mechoulam, the preeminent cannabis researcher on the planet, said recently that he believes that the cannabinoid will be the solution to all human disease.

That's a little bit of a stretch. THC is not a natural cannabinoid anyway. I agree that natural cannabinoids are good medicinal compounds, just not unnatural ones. Anything that directly affects the CB1 and CB2 receptors suppresses immunity, even anandamide. But anandamide is not pumped out in large quantities like Farmer Joe hitting up a dab every 5 seconds of his waking life.
Since when have benzos been opioids? Anyway, I guess I shouldn't tip off the public about the dangers of THC. They're the golden goose. I was just kidding. THC is good for you. I suggest everyone buy as much as they can afford.

was quoting the guy who said cannabis replaced his pain meds. go away
I have to agree that if you grow some exotic top quality 1 hit wonder that brings joy to the consumers like a little kid on Christmas morning then there will always be a place for you in the market legal or illegal.
Bro I asked the same thing also. It's troubling to think but I know it will only be a couple more years only til prices will hit bottom? But then there's also other factors, like I know many ppl from outer state that comes to Cali to pick up. California alone most likely produces a huge amount for other states, so the real question is will this be enough to keep us going?
Actually the price dropped some in Oregon but the demand went up since more folks are enjoying the new freedom.... ounces in my area run about $125
I read 6 plants for personal use so long as they are locked and out of sight. That should suffice for you to supply yourself for a year. Out of sight isn't half as much as a concern as the smell would be imo. Growing is very therapeutical and it pays off. Have a buddy who grew give you some, I believe that is still legal.
I think price will drop for a bit or permanently if the law stays .....but on the flip side of that the guys who grow super dank strains and care about there quality will shine above the rest of the shitty growers that are for sure to come now ......if you grow unique super dank strains the pain of this new law shouldn't be nearly as bad as a guy selling regs .....

Even in a legal market dealing with any merchandise ....people are willing to pay a lil extra for a better product
it's a terribly written law but we're stuck with it now....there are some good parts to it
Honest question jj not being a dick or trying to be an asshole I'm genuinely curious about what made you vote no .......was it because it financially hurt you ??? which if you say yes I won't judge you that's your lively hood now that your retired ....I have no problems with you and I'm just curious .....I myself grow a lot bigger gardens than most people ..however I don't profit from it I do it soley to help sick people I know and it started off for me many years ago with my sister having seizures and cannabis is the only thing that stopped them way before it was legal I grow for people with cancer and cerebral palsy etc etc .....I make a living farming in the Central Valley and raising cattle ....