Caannabis nearly legal in UK


Well-Known Member
Let the good times roll...

Cannabis use may be legalized in the UK if the government adheres to recommendations made in a new report by the UK Drug Policy Commission (UKDPC)

The report, entitled A Fresh Approach to Drugs, suggests that cannabis possession should be made legal and people should be able to grow the plant for personal use.
Every year, 42,000 people in England and Wales are sentenced for drug possession offences, while 160,000 are given warnings about cannabis.
The UKDPC says these warnings lead to a great amount of time and money being spent by police. They also damage many people's employment prospects. It says there is evidence to show that these costs could be reduced by allowing people to possess small amounts of cannabis for personal use.
According to the report, evidence from other countries suggests that legalising cannabis would not necessarily lead to a significant increase in use.

In 2009 cannabis was reclassified from a class C drug to a class B. The maximum penalty for possession is five years' imprisonment, but many first-time offenders and young people are issued with warnings.

"However, for the most ubiquitous drug, cannabis, it is worth considering whether there are alternative approaches which might be more effective at reducing harm.
"For example, there is an argument that amending the law relating to the growing of it, at least for personal use, might go some way to undermining the commercialisation of production, with associated involvement of organised crime and the development of stronger strains of cannabis ('skunk'), that we have seen in the UK and other countries in recent years."

The report also pointed to the fact that some people will experiment with drugs, and some will continue to use, despite being aware of the risks. It said that preventing drug use in all circumstances is not required to encourage responsible behaviour.
"This is not to say that we consider drug use to be desirable," it said. "Just like with gambling or eating junk food, there are some moderately selfish or risky behaviours that free societies accept will occur and seek to limit to the least damaging manifestations, rather than to prevent entirely."
Been a topic here in Denmark for years, seems like half the government is for and half against ..

but it always seems to stay at talking about it, tho last year the local politicians in Copenhagen got a majority of votes to make a test run for a year in Copenhagen, but agin government put a stop to it, and still discussing, like always..

but even the more conservative, do begin to see some pros and less cons, now a days, like the crime link to it, and just the amount of tax money from the sale (we are talking drug store sales) is a hugh plus for them Ppl. who usually is against it,

and that the crime actually drops, and Ppl tent to stay at cannabis and don't move on to harder drugs, like the common believe was, just the fact the Ppl. who want to buy some smoke don't have to go to a place where they often also sale other stuff then smoke, keep 90% of the normal users of hard drugs from ever trying it ..

lets see, in my mind there have never been any doubt that weed is`t more dangerous then grapes/vine .. its just matter of taste
The new the pharmaceutical drug sativex supposedly 50% thc. Has been made and patented as an oral spray that delivers 2.7mg thc and 2.4mg cbd. This is the drug that has brought on this paper by the drug commission. They now want parliament to 're-schedule the drug from category 1 to category 4 which means it can be openly prescribed and tested in a lab (now it can only be prescribed to ms sufferers) .and only at his own pearl! If it Is 're-scheduled then can have the law changed to make it legal to grow/poses for "PERSONAL" use. And taxed when sold from dispensaries pharmacy. Roll on next year when parliament start to consider this!!!!
I wouldn't get your hopes up. The general population are still too ignorant. I live in new zealand and both the New Zealand Law Commission and the New Zealand Medical Association have recommended allowing medical use, but the politicians are too stubborn and like to do as they please.
That would be fantastic great post but this government are too hypocritical and care more about their image than the needs of their citizens too allow this to happen.
Come on alex salmond you legend !!!!!
Lol im not goin to pretend i am well educated in this subject but i do know that he has given scottish people the choice to become independant, wether it be good or bad we deserve to make this choice. I do know that there is a reason david cameron does not want to give us this choice and if it was up to him he would not allow this.
Why is this a bad thing for scotland and an act of communism?
Lol im not goin to pretend i am well educated in this subject but i do know that he has given scottish people the choice to become independant, wether it be good or bad we deserve to make this choice. I do know that there is a reason david cameron does not want to give us this choice and if it was up to him he would not allow this.
Why is this a bad thing for scotland and an act of communism?

I too wont pretend I'm educated in this subject! But the phrase "divide and conquer" comes to mind. Why would a nation that's average spending per head is greater than its income want to go it alone?! As much as I hate to say it we NEED to be apart of the UK. I feel Scotland breaking free from the UK would be the start of our nations fall. That's just my personal opinion. I feel we would crumble,and have no one to look to but the government.... That would be the start of a communist nation. Again just my thoughts on the subject.