cal mag: can it hurt?


Active Member
Ive put nothing in my soil so far and I'm wondering if I should add some cal mag.

One of the reasons i ask is i expressed concern to a friend and very long time grower about adding it if i dont need it and he said the plant will only take what it needs mineralwise and not overdose.

Is this true???


Well-Known Member
It depends on your water and nutes mostly. That is a light mix and you will need to feed after the first couple of weeks. If you use a complete fertilizer that is compatible with your water then you should not need added calcium or magnesium. The soil has dolomite lime in it for a buffer already. It is helpful to read up on water quality and alkalinity and how it reacts with soil mixes and fertilizer types.

My well water is on the softer side and has about 150 ppm calcium (.3ec) but is light on magnesium. But most any complete balanced nute will keep deficiencies away. But it must include mag. And for the high intensity of light in my room I like a little extra calcium. But I run into problems with high calcium nutes with 4% added calcium or more. With my well water it is just too much and the buildup causes lockout by blocking the roots uptake. There are related nutrient problems that are caused by this such as tip burn which is potassium and magnesium related.

Hope this was more helpful than confusing ;-)


Active Member
Awesome info thanks everyone. I'm using charcoal filtered water bringing 275 ppm tap down to ~45 ppm. PHed to 6-7 with Floragro liquid nutes. Plant looks brilliantly healthy right now so I'm going to leave it be.

THanks for all the input, really helpful.