Cal-Mag in Coco


Well-Known Member
Doing my first coco grow and I don't supp with calmag every time because I don't use reverse osmosis and so far no problems.

But a few of these popped up over night. Few random leaves look like the picture and I think I may have had my first deficiency.

or pests.. or transplant shock (also just went to 10 gallon pots).. or possibly something else?

Last time I watered was with pH tap water + superthrive. Yesterday 2 days after transplant



Well-Known Member
that looks like it was too close to a light and got burned.

As for the calmg, i use a coco-peat mix and RO water. I do not supplement cal-mg every time. Depending on your baseline nutes u may not even need to supplement it. I give the girls cal-mag 2 times as i transition them to flower on fresh water days. Then again 1-2 times in early flower again on clean water days. Never had a deficiency. Coco supposedly leeches calmg but i bet u can get by with only using the supplement a few times cuz ur water has minerals in it.


Well-Known Member
depending the PPM of your tap water of course. I cant even use tap water cuz SOCAL tap water is like 400-500 PPM and highly chlorinated.


Well-Known Member
My tap water is 130. I actually turned a light off and raised the light a little because of the transplant. Temps are 82 they were probably less with one light off. Light was probably 35in up. Both turned back on now no more suspect leafs right now

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Well-Known Member
130 is very good tap water, u will need to supplement with the calmag every time u water with clean water IMO. Dont use it with your nutes.


Well-Known Member
We moved to the city and I can't say I wasn't surprised myself. I was planning on starting h2o2 with my clean water. Ever use it? And would it be okay to add that and the cal-mag for the clean water day

By next grow I will have reverse osmosis and I have considered the on that re adds the cal-mag. But either way does that seem like a deficiency? In the pic.. looks burnt almost but its def not. Lower leaf. Temps at top of the plant are 81

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Well-Known Member
It's not "plain water" if you add calcium nitrate, magnesium nitrate, and iron chelate to it (cal-mag+).

Also, you should never feed "plain water" to coco unless you're flushing out a buildup in the medium.

Btw, it does not seem like a calcium, magnesium or an iron deficiency.

cal-mag+ in general is a bullshit product that you don't need. It's a myth that you need to add it just because you don't have hard enough water. Cal-mag+'s ingredients overlap with ingredients already found in all hydroponic nutrients anyway.

130 is very good tap water, u will need to supplement with the calmag every time u water with clean water IMO. Dont use it with your nutes.


Well-Known Member
al-mag+ in general is a bullshit product that you don't need. It's a myth that you need to add it just because you don't have hard enough water. Cal-mag+'s ingredients overlap with ingredients already found in all hydroponic nutrients anyway.
I disagree with you completely. I run peat/coco mix and RO water and i have and will develop a Mag def by week 5 of flower if i do not supplement my base nutes with calmag. On clean water days (RO is what i call clean water ~5ppm) i give them about 300ppm of calmag+ every other clean watering until like weak 5. Please dont make statements that are purely false. I use GH flora series, it does contain mag in the micro nutes, but it is not sufficient.