Is there any instantly available cal mag teas that can be made?
Given that I know nothing about your setup bare with me here..
You need about 6 times as much calcium as you do magnesium.. When you have a 2:1 ratio you're going to get a deficiency no matter what. Your cation exchange will inevetably be off balance. This is why lime can't be used in a long term setting. It literally has a 2:1 cal/mag ratio. With Too much magnesium comes soil tightening, and with too much calcium comes soil loosening..
Given you have a good balance of microbes in your soil I'd go with a kelp meal tea
Add 1/4 cup kelp to 5 gallons of water and you should see results pretty quickly. If that isn't strong enough add a little alfalfa and you should definitely see the problem go away.