cal mag with hard water

blue pyro

Well-Known Member
Hey guys was just looking for some info. I recently switched to coco. Before the switch I never had a cal mag issue. Since the switch and as fore warned cal mag def has popped up. I have cal mag in hand lol yay. And dolomite. But I figured I might not need them given I have hard water. 250Ppm and 7.6ph. Plus my ph pen just took a crap on me. I use ph perfect mutes though so maybe I can get by till my new one gets here. Any way anyone else adding cal mag to hard water?
250 isn't that bad.Do you know how much of that 250 is cal?

I have hard water[380]myself with LOTS of cal.Just epsom salt if i need mag.If i use my calimagic with my tap water i get signs of nitrogen tox.

It's kind of hard to say, I know it has a lot of iron. I suspect my well sits on a limestone 'slab'. It's only 60 feet from the surface and a large river infront of me cuts it way through 40 to 50 ft limestone wall's. Very pretty with lil tress over looking the water lol. But yea of it rains hard I get 360 to 380 with silt in there and ph stays at 7.5 then. I'll def be on the look out for pseudo nitrogen toxic
200 PPM, Its the first thing i add every week. botanicare cal-mag...I use Fox Farms Coco Loco

Have you tried there salamander soil. My local places do not carry ffof or coco loco.... Yet... but I have had good success with the mander'. Plus the wife really digs the lizard