Calcium Defficiency?


Well-Known Member
Hello All,

A little help please. Does this look like a calcium efficiency to you? The strain is lemon haze auto. She's about 4 weeks old. Its being grown in fox farm ocean forest with fox farm trio. I've been using calmag and bud candy at half strength during waterings (but not feedings). I noticed the spots on the leaves about 2-3 days ago and gave her a good flush. Shes also starting to worry me as shes not started to flower and i have other autos in the same enclosure.

All help is much appreciated


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Hi Silv,
The water you use is an important element in proper Ca dosage. Tap water or RO? If it hard or soft? Do you know the water EC?

Brown spots can also occur with excess Ca. So you need to look at all sources.

And while I've never grown an auto... flowering and finishing time can vary widely from strain to strain. So not to worry...
Hello All,

A little help please. Does this look like a calcium efficiency to you? The strain is lemon haze auto. She's about 4 weeks old. Its being grown in fox farm ocean forest with fox farm trio. I've been using calmag and bud candy at half strength during waterings (but not feedings). I noticed the spots on the leaves about 2-3 days ago and gave her a good flush. Shes also starting to worry me as shes not started to flower and i have other autos in the same enclosure.

All help is much appreciated

Looks like phosphorus to me.
Hi Silv,
The water you use is an important element in proper Ca dosage. Tap water or RO? If it hard or soft? Do you know the water EC?

Brown spots can also occur with excess Ca. So you need to look at all sources.

And while I've never grown an auto... flowering and finishing time can vary widely from strain to strain. So not to worry...

I'm using tap water. Tap water is the only water I've ever used to grow (all autos). Gonna sound dumb here but not sure what you mean by ec? I have always used ph'd tap water. Although I know this is a have variety, and I believe they are known to be finicky
OK Silv...
EC stands for electrical conductivity. More chemicals in the water meand higher EC. Hydro guys need to measure that as a way of measuring nutrient strength.

One way to guestimate how hard your water to look at an ice cube. Crystal clear is soft water...cloudy or milky looking ice cubes is from harder water. Most tap chemicals are Ca and Mg though much depends on location.

You can check on your water supplier website. Usually you'll find annual water quality reports posted.
OK Silv...
EC stands for electrical conductivity. More chemicals in the water meand higher EC. Hydro guys need to measure that as a way of measuring nutrient strength.

One way to guestimate how hard your water to look at an ice cube. Crystal clear is soft water...cloudy or milky looking ice cubes is from harder water. Most tap chemicals are Ca and Mg though much depends on location.

You can check on your water supplier website. Usually you'll find annual water quality reports posted.
johndee that helps a bunch thank you. Guessing by my ice cubes my water is rather hard. Ironically i just moved from the midwest to the south a year ago. This is my first grow in my new state. Being that my water is hard, is there any adjustment for it, or am i better off just purchasing distilled water moving foward (as im too cheap to buy a RO unit)?
There are a couple of different strategies that people use. First though...if you take some water in to a bottled water place like Culligans...they will happily test ec for you. EC is often expressed in parts per million. It's just that the meters can only measure EC and internally convert that number to ppm. You really can't grow to well with a ppm like 350 or above. You can find cheap meters to measure this yourself.

Where was I? Oh ya, lets say you have 400 ppm water and mix the tap 1:1 with purified/distilled water. That'll drop it down to 200 ppm which is fine.

Also if your water is way probably don't want to add more calcium via calmag. Switch to epsom salts if you need more mg.

RO filters are pretty inexpensive but hard to install in a rental place. But if you have yyour own place...where a little plumbing won't be such an issue...I'd advise it.

Gonna stop there...for now. There are plenty of threads on this, so do some searches and start reading. It'll make your growing more successful.
There are a couple of different strategies that people use. First though...if you take some water in to a bottled water place like Culligans...they will happily test ec for you. EC is often expressed in parts per million. It's just that the meters can only measure EC and internally convert that number to ppm. You really can't grow to well with a ppm like 350 or above. You can find cheap meters to measure this yourself.

Where was I? Oh ya, lets say you have 400 ppm water and mix the tap 1:1 with purified/distilled water. That'll drop it down to 200 ppm which is fine.

Also if your water is way probably don't want to add more calcium via calmag. Switch to epsom salts if you need more mg.

RO filters are pretty inexpensive but hard to install in a rental place. But if you have yyour own place...where a little plumbing won't be such an issue...I'd advise it.

Gonna stop there...for now. There are plenty of threads on this, so do some searches and start reading. It'll make your growing more successful.
Many thanks! You just sent me on my way to finding a solution
Many thanks! You just sent me on my way to finding a solution

You're welcome Silv...and I just wanted to add that I mentioned Culligans as a full service water supplier even though a big part of their business is water softeners. Water softeners use salt and the output water is too salty for plants.
Yeah, I see your point, it's hard to give a precise answer over the web, with pics. It could be a number of issues. But I know a lot of peaple that don't care for this guy, but he has some good info, if your interested, GrowBoss live on YouTube, he's helped me out quit a bit. Even though sometimes he can be very harsh at times. But he puts things in perspective . Check him out. He's live every Saturday and 10 am Pacific time. Maybe this will help, don't know.
Yay for the GrowBoss!
His videos helped me to understand 'perpetual' growing. He's very critical of overwatering and overfeeding. And overthinking actually.