Calcium deficancy? Soil ph too low to absorb Cal Mag?? HELP!!


Well-Known Member
First grow, 4 weeks of 12/12...feeding Cal Mag and still having problems! I thought I read somewhere that blackstrap molasses would fix the problem but can't find the thread now!!


Well-Known Member
whats up with your pH you think its low?
When I started my grow I was using MG...this wasn't really a planned grow...and I didn't have a CLUE!! So...after purchasing better nutes and a ph test kit I discovered that my runoff water was pretty acidic. I've flushed and flushed and can't get it to come up. I currently feed Dyna Bloom twice then just water and recently started with Cal Mag but the issue is getting worse. One of my girls is about to loose all her top fan leaves and one of them (she was topped twice) looks the same (but only one of her tops are affected as of right now)


Well-Known Member
if you think that you have a pH issue go ahead and flush ur plant with calibrated water for soil 6.5 is the best for a general good nutes intake! refer to the image bellow to have a general understanding of how ph works. Also! plants dont need as much nutes and water as u think!! give it some time to recover! and be patient... Good Luck n Happy 420

View attachment 2743610


Well-Known Member
And to change your PH levels go to your local pool store or hydroponics store and get some ph up, and ph down. Pretty self explanatory.


Well-Known Member
if you think that you have a pH issue go ahead and flush ur plant with calibrated water for soil 6.5 is the best for a general good nutes intake! refer to the image bellow to have a general understanding of how ph works. Also! plants dont need as much nutes and water as u think!! give it some time to recover! and be patient... Good Luck n Happy 420

View attachment 2743610
and what should I do about the calcium issue? Do you think it will correct itself? And should I continue with Cal Mag?


Well-Known Member
Overfeeding them is likely the cause of most of your issues
They guy at the hydro store said that I was feeding a pretty low dose of Dyna Bloom (1/4 tsp per gallon) Now I realize that I WAS over feeding with the Miracle Gro nutes...but I quit those a couple months or more ago and flushed the crap out of girls were laying on there sides for a few hours afterwards!! Do you think I'm STILL over feeding? 1/4 tsp Dyna Bloom per gallon with Cal Mag 2 weeks in a row (weekly feeding and ph everything i put in) and straight ph'ed water the 3rd week...then I go back to week 1


Well-Known Member
u know what! i assume u have also a phosphorus P deficiency! Go with Dyna Bloom and go get some Bloom enhancers like Big Bud it will help a lot and will give u some more weight also. So to sum up let me give what to do in general to solve that problem. ur pH might be too low so it caused P and Cl deficiency. flush first with 7.0 water to rise it. then with 6.5 to stabilize, get Big Bud from your local store and pH soil Tester from eBay more or less 10$. give ur plant a good blend of ur Dyna Bloom - Cal Mg - Big Bud. start low concetration to avoid stress and nute burn. but you will see good results in a week or 2 just by getting the pH at 6.5 and stopping all the lockouts!


Well-Known Member
read some comment and i assure u ur not over feeding! u have lockouts and deficiencies. nute burn will attack the tips first the all leaves will start drying from the outside! and stop molasses. if you want to enhance sugars and aroma go with Bud Candy.


Well-Known Member
It doesn't matter how much your giving em. Look at the plant those dark green shiny leaves indicate too much n. Which blocks calcium. And locking out p... foliar feeding simple tap water will fix calcium not that I think that's your issue


Well-Known Member
u know what! i assume u have also a phosphorus P deficiency! Go with Dyna Bloom and go get some Bloom enhancers like Big Bud it will help a lot and will give u some more weight also. So to sum up let me give what to do in general to solve that problem. ur pH might be too low so it caused P and Cl deficiency. flush first with 7.0 water to rise it. then with 6.5 to stabilize, get Big Bud from your local store and pH soil Tester from eBay more or less 10$. give ur plant a good blend of ur Dyna Bloom - Cal Mg - Big Bud. start low concetration to avoid stress and nute burn. but you will see good results in a week or 2 just by getting the pH at 6.5 and stopping all the lockouts!
so what he is saying is flush out everything in the soil, then give it a normal dose of a complete nutrient profile feeding


Well-Known Member
It doesn't matter how much your giving em. Look at the plant those dark green shiny leaves indicate too much n. Which blocks calcium. And locking out p... foliar feeding simple tap water will fix calcium not that I think that's your issue
i dont agree with u! yes probably the plant got too much Nitrogen left in soil! but nitrogen never ever causes P lockout!!! and by the way u CANT use any product as a Foliar spray!!!! and spraying any kinda chimicals on a plant blooming is diffenetely not good for buds!! the issue is LOW pH... and MD914 was right about it since the biginning! MG has slow release nutes and this is why it still messing up with the pH when mixed with Dyna grow!


Well-Known Member
read some comment and i assure u ur not over feeding! u have lockouts and deficiencies. nute burn will attack the tips first the all leaves will start drying from the outside! and stop molasses. if you want to enhance sugars and aroma go with Bud Candy.
I've never tried the somewhere that it would help and posted this thread to get input...


Well-Known Member
read some comment and i assure u ur not over feeding! u have lockouts and deficiencies. nute burn will attack the tips first the all leaves will start drying from the outside! and stop molasses. if you want to enhance sugars and aroma go with Bud Candy.
Also...I was asking about the molasses not to increase flavor or aroma but because I read that it is high in Mag and Calcium and the plant would absorb it better in the sugary mix...I guess I'm looking for a way to bypass my lockout!!