Calcium Deficiency? Any help appreciated

Flushing isnt a solution for anything
flushing will help give him a smoother smoke, get rid of all those nutrients so he's not smoking nutrients. he's 10 weeks into flower. trying to fix the issue at this point is a waste of time. he needs to harvest in less than a week or two otherwise the thc levels in the flower will start to drop and it will affect the quality of the bud. you're not really supposed to leave it flower this long. depending on the strain of course. but yeah man even if he fixed the problem how is supposed to know? those leaves aren't going to recover. the damage is done. if it were me i would just flush the nutes out for a week or so and harvest

Edit: you can see it's a calcium deficiency anyway dude. it's too late in flower to fix it now
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flushing will help give him a smoother smoke, get rid of all those nutrients so he's not smoking nutrients. he's 10 weeks into flower. trying to fix the issue at this point is a waste of time. he needs to harvest in less than a week or two otherwise the thc levels in the flower will start to drop and it will affect the quality of the bud. you're not really supposed to leave it flower this long. depending on the strain of course. but yeah man even if he fixed the problem how is supposed to know? those leaves aren't going to recover. the damage is done. if it were me i would just flush the nutes out for a week or so and harvest
If you say so
Flushing does nothing to the plant ... begin just a simple watering only regimen... as plant gets close to end it will start to slow in water uptake . You can also “ bump “ it to finish by dropping flower cycle down .... 11/13 or 10/14. An easy way to get plant to finish by introducing a longer dark ( it will think ) days are getting progressively shorter. Common method for plants that need a kick in the pants.

You get a cleaner product by not overfeeding in the first place ....
Can you use neem oil in flower as a foilar spray or just as a soil additive? I sure you can use that both ways in veg right?
I meant to say that you might burned them with neem or any other thing sprayed, in all cases they should be down any time soon so dont worry and dont spray neem in flower specially last weeks. dont spray anything,
Flushing does nothing to the plant ... begin just a simple watering only regimen... as plant gets close to end it will start to slow in water uptake . You can also “ bump “ it to finish by dropping flower cycle down .... 11/13 or 10/14. An easy way to get plant to finish by introducing a longer dark ( it will think ) days are getting progressively shorter. Common method for plants that need a kick in the pants.

You get a cleaner product by not overfeeding in the first place ....
I disagree. Flushing the plant at the end I find makes the joints burn better. I don’t do it for any other reason except a nice white ash and a joint that burns well.
Holy bad advice batman!

1) Do not ever put a fan directly on your plants. That increases transpiration causing leaf cupping and curling. Cannabis leaves should never do more than a gentle dance. Certainly never a fan pointing directly at them.

2) Flushing is absolutely voodoo quackery. There is absolutely unequivocally zero evidence that flushing affects flower flavor or burn quality. You cannot just "rinse" away nutrients that are stored in plant tissue. If you were awake at all in science class for the last 4 years of your high school education you would know that makes no sense at all whatsoever. Flushing is a practice invented by the predatory cannabis fertilizer industry in an effort to sap more money from your wallet and into theirs. There is no foundation in science or agriculture for such a practice and does nothing but make you sound foolish to anyone that knows better.

Learn about how plants absorb and store nutrients and you'll quickly stop spreading misinformation. So-called "flushing" is a practice most often utilized by low information new growers that get all of their growing knowledge from the company that's selling them their fertilizer. The very same company that sold them 10 different bottles of fertilizer to make the plant grow right. The real secret is it's all bullshit. If you don't over fertilizer your plant throughout the grow cycle using the fertilizer company's 10 different bottles that you don't need, then you won't have to be concerned about "flushing" anything out of your plant. Good tasting and proper burning flowers happens with a proper and balanced fertilizer regimen throughout the flower cycle and decreasing fertilizer strength towards the end as the plant's needs diminish. You don't "flush" anything.

3) You most likely are experiencing a toxicity issue of some kind, because you are over fertilizing your plants. Maxi bloom is a complete fertilizer with micro nutrients. Why are you adding flora micro also? By adding flora micro in addition to maxi bloom you are over fertilizing your plants creating toxicity with 1 or more elements. The evidence is allover your leaves. By over fertilizing throughout the grow no amount of "flushing" will make those flowers taste good. It appears to be calcium toxicity. Maxi bloom, magic cal, and flora micro all have calcium. You more than likely would have done great with just maxi bloom. It's what I use and is a complete fertilizer. I have rarely ever had to supplement with calcium or magnesium.

4) Stop defoliating. Stripping the bottom leaves and branches that have no chance of light access makes sense in an effort to create a nice canopy, but tearing your leaves off at the canopy level is crazy. You need those leaves to make energy to make flowers. Stop plucking them off.

5) Start getting better advice, and I'm still genuinely baffled as to why you would add flora micro to maxi bloom. Just baffled...
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Holy bad advice batman!

1) Do not ever put a fan directly on your plants. That increases transpiration causing leaf cupping and curling. Cannabis leaves should never do more than a gentle dance. Certainly never a fan pointing directly at them.

2) Flushing is absolutely voodoo quackery. There is absolutely unequivocally zero evidence that flushing affects flower flavor or burn quality. You cannot just "rinse" away nutrients that are stored in plant tissue. If you were awake at all in science class for the last 4 years of your high school education you would know that makes no sense at all whatsoever. Flushing is a practice invented by the predatory cannabis fertilizer industry in an effort to sap more money from your wallet and into theirs. There is no foundation in science or agriculture for such a practice and does nothing but make you sound foolish to anyone that knows better.

Learn about how plants absorb and store nutrients and you'll quickly stop spreading misinformation. So-called "flushing" is a practice most often utilized by low information new growers that get all of their growing knowledge from the company that's selling them their fertilizer. The very same company that sold them 10 different bottles of fertilizer to make the plant grow right. The real secret is it's all bullshit. If you don't over fertilizer your plant throughout the grow cycle using the fertilizer company's 10 different bottles that you don't need, then you won't have to be concerned about "flushing" anything out of your plant. Good tasting and proper burning flowers happens with a proper and balanced fertilizer regimen throughout the flower cycle and decreasing fertilizer strength towards the end as the plant's needs diminish. You don't "flush" anything.

3) You most likely are experiencing a toxicity issue of some kind, because you are over fertilizing your plants. Maxi bloom is a complete fertilizer with micro nutrients. Why are you adding flora micro also? By adding flora micro in addition to maxi bloom you are over fertilizing your plants creating toxicity with 1 or more elements. The evidence is allover your leaves. By over fertilizing throughout the grow no amount of "flushing" will make those flowers taste good. It appears to be calcium toxicity. Maxi bloom, magic cal, and flora micro all have calcium. You more than likely would have done great with just maxi bloom. It's what I use and is a complete fertilizer. I have rarely ever had to supplement with calcium or magnesium.

4) Stop defoliating. Stripping the bottom leaves and branches that have no chance of light access makes sense in an effort to create a nice canopy, but tearing your leaves off at the canopy level is crazy. You need those leaves to make energy to make flowers. Stop plucking them off.

5) Start getting better advice, and I'm still genuinely baffled as to why you would add flora micro to maxi bloom. Just baffled...
Dude I appreciate all the advice. I never said I’m feeding them all of
Those every feed. Maxibloom is my main. If I see any problems then I add either micro or calmag. Throughout the 71 days they may have got fed twice with micro and twice with calmag. Never together. I am new at growing. This is my third crop and definitely my most challenging. This problem crept in during the last few weeks of this plants life.
Dude I appreciate all the advice. I never said I’m feeding them all of
Those every feed. Maxibloom is my main. If I see any problems then I add either micro or calmag. Throughout the 71 days they may have got fed twice with micro and twice with calmag. Never together. I am new at growing. This is my third crop and definitely my most challenging. This problem crept in during the last few weeks of this plants life.
Oh I see. That makes more sense. You're already at the finish line. Push through and enjoy the smoke. As long as you haven't over fertilized it should be enjoyable. We all hit a rough patch in the garden from time to time. It's good experience for the next cycle to be even better!
Clumpy, the best advice I could give you is invest in a good PH meter. Then keep a cheap $15 backup meter in case your primary fails in the middle of a grow. Buy a cheap TDS meter on amazon. Hell for the price buy 2 so you have a backup on hand. Buy 4.0 and 7.0 PH buffer solutions. Calibrate your meters once every month or two. You will then always know the strength of your feed and can adjust accordingly and you will always have confidence that you are correctly and accurately setting your PH where you want it.

Stay away from PH pens as your primary unit. They're all shit, and that's just the way it is. You want either the Blue Lab PH meter with remote replaceable probe or the Milwaukee MW102 with replaceable probe. I prefer my milwaukee, but use both and both are quality units.

The best TDS meter out there is the Truncheon by Blue Lab. No calibration ever. No batteries. 5 year warranty. Waterproof. Reads out EC and PPM. Dam fine unit. I actually use my cheap digital TDS meter more often. I usually only whip out my truncheon if I suspect my digital meter is giving off an inaccurate reading. The truncheon is very precise.

I usually get over a year out of my probes on both PH meters. The blue lab combo meter is okay, but very pricey. I prefer the PH meter only.

Sell a little dope to your buddies and go buy some nice meters. You'll feel like the walter white of weed man :)
Truncheon does use batteries but yeah I agree it's a solid unit which lasts years.

No sir. Mine operates on love. I just give it a hug and she powers right up :)

I think it's one of those rare devices that actually came with batteries and I haven't had to change them yet. I should probably check them from time to time to make sure they're not oozing battery acid allover the battery compartment. You might have just saved me a truncheon from being consumed by battery acid. Good action!
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