Calcium deficiency treatment with home suppliments !


Active Member
Hey !
So my plants got calcium deficiency and i cant buy cal-mag or any nutrient because i bought 10g for 420 and i can not afford anything..
So i wondered cani treat it with home suppliments ? like chalk maybe ? How much should i add to 1 litre .
Please help your :leaf::leaf: friend


Well-Known Member
ive only ever used cal.mag. but i know epsons salts and egg shells work a treat. give me 5 mins a go find some info on it


Well-Known Member
Egg shell fertilizer. This type of fertilizer works best because it contains calcium carbonate. Air dry some egg shells and then place them in a blender until such time that they become powdery then sprinkle into youre medium. or you can place the shells in water .boil then water and the lit sit for a few weeks. thats the down side thou waiting which iant no good to u

ESPSON SALTS. one tbl spoon to every liter of water and apply to medium...

also dolamite lime. but not to clear how to use it. as ive heard mix reviews. 2 mins go get some info