Calcium Deficiency? Very Sudden


Active Member
I've got a berry bomb that has been in flower for 6 weeks. Last week I noticed the start of what looked like a calcium deficiency. I also have 3 other strains flowering and this one is the only one like this. I flushed her and gave her 5ml/gal of CalMag. This was all 2 days ago. I checked this morning and this is a pic. The pic isn't that great and I can take another if this isn't showing enough of the plant.

Leaves look pretty bad. Should I just wait and see if the new growth comes in without signs of deficiency?


Thanks for the feedback...


Well-Known Member
Cal-mag should help. I would give it another week before you do anything else. No more flushing. Especially during flower. Think of it like this - Why would you starve a plant when it is working its hardest to produce for you?


Well-Known Member
You flushed right when nutrient uptake is near its peak. It may be too late for CaMg to be of any benefit. Mix in some dolomite in your next run and don't flush.
When I was a beginner grower I would be chasing my tail with flushing trying to figure out the problem, it turns out I was creating my own problem.


Active Member
the reason i flushed it was because it gets calmag with every feeding so i was a little taken aback when i saw the calcium deficiency. I just figued if she isn't getting the calcium im giving her, maybe there was nute lock going on. i have to say that she looks better already. any new growth is coming in green without the deficiency signs. I don't check on my flowering girls everyday...that's why i was so surprised when it got bad that quick.

Thanks for all the replies!


Well-Known Member
OP more info is needed on medium, feeding & watering schedule, light, temp. you say lower fan leaves turned to shit all of a sudden? nute burn and overwatering me sees. feeding heavy? somethings up