Calcium deficiency won't go away?


New Member
Thanks for all the advice! Trying to piece together what everyone is saying, here's what I'm going to try:

I'm first going to run florakleen through the reservoir for a few hours (as per the directions on the bottle) in case there was nute lockout caused by too much cal/mag. The new nute solution will have a normal amount of cal/mag added instead of the extra dose, and a reduced amount of other nutrients. This time I'll keep the ph at 5.6-5.9 instead of trying to bump it up to 6.2-6.5 . Additionally, I'll stop the foliar feeding of cal/mag in case that was contributing to the problem.

I'll let you know how it turns out! Thanks again!


Well-Known Member
R.O. removes all the cal and mg from the water. Most water sources have about 5ml/gallon in it. So the 1st 5ml you add is to bring the water's cal/mag back to it's original state. But, that's not enough for most strains. So you need to add another 5ml for a boost. I use Botanicare products and maybe there is not enough cal/mag in their regular nutrients, that's why I need to add more????? All I know, is my plant leaves "taco" if I don't use 10ml, which is a sign of that deficiency. I recommend you start at 5ml, and if you see rust spots (mg) or taco shell leaves (ca), add more.


New Member
I made the suggested changes a few days ago, and for the last several days, not only has the calcium deficiency stopped appearing on new growth, but the growth rate has exploded - it's now growing at around 2 inches a day. Thanks everyone for the help!

In case anyone runs into this problem, here's the full list of changes I made. I'm not sure which one(s) fixed the problem.

1. I ran a weak GH FloraKleen solution (5ml/gal) through the system for 3 hours.
2. I reduced my use of GH CALiMAGic back down to what I initially started at, 5ml/gal.
3. I dropped PH from around 6.2 to around 5.9.
4. I stopped foliar feeding of CALiMAGic solution.
5. I removed some galvanized steel washers from the reservoir that I was using to weigh down the pump (just in case the zinc on the washers was causing calcium lockout). They were replaced with stainless steel.


Well-Known Member
MOLYBEAN ..In DWC ph will fluctuate. You want 5.5 ph, yet you are aaddding all these enzymes. My advice is to go easy.Modified lucas at first4 to 7 or 5 to8. A lot of hose addatives t will make ph jump KISS in DWC. Wear a rubber....I am betting your locked out. Spent that extra cash for nothing. LOL I would use a 3 part GH only use 2 Maxi and Grow with tap under 170ppm. then slowly add your shit. My autos were the best crop EVER. I plant 2 in a shallower pot and one gre fast (smaller buds) after it dies the other took its roots and flowered 40 more days. Both were over 200 oz! The one that flowered early had the best tase t and I had not yet started to boost P or anything. My max EC was 1.6 in DWC. Start at .7 400ppm and move up. THIS STRAIN RULES. It took 3 months to flower. I have gown this strain in coo with a 600hps in a 4x4x7. I planted 4 5 gal coco. Started seed in bucket with the solo cup meathos. Google it. ONLY WAY 4 AUTOS. solo cup around seed and watered only the solo cup, allowing it to drain down 5 gallon coco. IMHO I dont think the plant starts its auto short life until tap root hit the bottom.
and also They are large enough to loose humidifier. Your asking for issues in my opinion. Back off all dat shit. Im growing another monster in DWC cloning her all in coco. Flowering now. Im scarred to fuk it up. DWC in Summer...DUMBASS ME. I don't want rot etc. FOR DWC you must go lightly then when you have a nute diff you can ID it. If you want to know what i learned and her secrets to this stain... yielding and feeding and light (24 hours a day) PM me.


Well-Known Member
as we say in the south. He needs to bite a hogs ass. TALK IS CHEEP. just like my neighbor. I have to tell him not to say to me hes going to pay ne back. jibber jabber...gonna do this...going to do that....FUKIN DO IT Some is cheep. need I say more amigo


Well-Known Member
I’ve added Epsom with my calmag and dropped my ph since this started ,seems to have stopped.


Well-Known Member
I’m ya ring same issue with my blue dreams I’m useing 350ppm cal mag still spreading after 4 days