I had to have an emergency appendectomy a year ago last Dec and 2 days after I got home I suddenly got a horrible pain on my left side. Just got worse and worse and as I'd just had surgery thought something with it had gone horribly wrong so called an ambulance. 5 miles from the hospital the pain went through the roof and I was howling like a wolf. Then nothing. Felt fine.
Found out that the CAT scan I had that found the bad appendix also noted a 4mm, non-obstructive kidney stone but nobody said squat to me about it. Guess it became obstructive eh.
I felt it when I pissed it out too and wish I'd thought to piss through a sieve to save the stone. Would have made a nice earring stud. lol
Not something I ever want to do again and was likely brought on by almost 3 days of severe dehydration from the shits I got from the IV antibiotics they were pumping into me. That was hell too and I had to endure 8 days of that. Getting the drain tube pulled out of my lower belly at the end was no picnic either.
Our tap water is over 400ppm and around pH 8 and comes from a dugout on my property so only gets filtered down to 5 micron with no sterilization. Don't want to be drinking that or watering my plants with it either.

Agreed, not to mention high levels of cal-carbonate in tap can increase the likely hood of developing kidney stones. My tap contains almost 300 ppm of cal-carbonate alone. Let alone trying to grow with it.
yep since wifey came out of her 4 month medically induced coma her oxygen machine only uses distilled but i use 0 mineral RO for the machine runs clear no residue she also drinks it gets most nutrients from meds she takes figured all i need do is supply the correct amounts of nutes