Calcium question


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, im growing in a coco/perlite/vermiculite mix. My plants are only about 3 weeks old and they seem lacking in somthing.
They are a light green colour (nearly yellow)not dark green.

I have read alot about coco needing cal/mag added (which I didnt do)
I am using dutch master advance, the label says not to add cal/mag as the nutes are loaded with it.

But I havn't feed them nutes yet as they are too young. I do have some epsom salt magnesium sulphate but im not sure if I should add it.

I just read the following article
Article Source: It states the following: Remember that magnesium decreases the rate by which plants absorb calcium. Therefore, try to find fertilizers which have a low concentration of magnesium.

any sugestions?


Ursus marijanus
Ignore the Dutch master advice and add some cal-mag.
Or use harder water.

<add> wait. You haven't fed at all yet? Are you refereeing the game before the players have come onto the field? ;) I'd start feeding at about 1.4 strength. You're probably seeing general hunger. cn


Well-Known Member
Thanks for your advice, Yeah no feed yet only RO water. wait could this be my main problem, the RO water?

And thanks i'll give em a light feed 1/4 streangth using hard water with cal/mag added asap.

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
i think the main problom is that your in a soilless and have added no nutes.
start pumping nutes and id bet u see a turn around.


Well-Known Member
You have fed no nutes.. the yellowing is not from calcium alone. U need to add some nutes very slowly, it is easy to kill them with too much nute. But like guy above said, its more nitrogen than calcium.. just give nutes and everything will be gravy


Well-Known Member
NP!! Don't add the epsom salt.. just do ur nutes but start off at maybe 50% of label instructions. You can't go wrong as long as your plant starts getting SOME nute. Then up it to label instructions in 2-3 days.