Calendar Pictures

We need a calendar for guys and girls!!!!! What about the ladies, dont we need some eye candy with our bud porn?!?!
More Pic!!

How bout a calendar for the ladies? Here I am in my latest swimwear. I look a lot like John Mayer, don't I? LOL
Well, looks like what started out to be something for the ladies has made it into the hands of the self absorbed moderators. They took some things that the members wanted to do and turned them around to benefit themselves.

Thanks mods, you have disapointed me as you always do.

please don't put me in this group. i have begged for NO naked pics of any members here. i know how to google porn when i'm feeling like less of a man. seems like this site has been more focused on pussy than pot lately. now i'm starting to become embarrassed for this site, not just myself. this is a grow site and all everyone seems to be doing lately is trying to bust a nut. pathetic, if you ask me. :blsmoke::peace:
please don't put me in this group. i have begged for NO naked pics of any members here. i know how to google porn when i'm feeling like less of a man. seems like this site has been more focused on pussy than pot lately. now i'm starting to become embarrassed for this site, not just myself. this is a grow site and all everyone seems to be doing lately is trying to bust a nut. pathetic, if you ask me. :blsmoke::peace:

You're not in this group FDD. :blsmoke:

When someone uses an idea to get naked pix then not follow through with their word tho.. that's an issue..
please don't put me in this group. i have begged for NO naked pics of any members here. i know how to google porn when i'm feeling like less of a man. seems like this site has been more focused on pussy than pot lately. now i'm starting to become embarrassed for this site, not just myself. this is a grow site and all everyone seems to be doing lately is trying to bust a nut. pathetic, if you ask me. :blsmoke::peace:

yeah but come many serious growers are acually on the site? just a handful that we can acually trust.
please don't put me in this group. i have begged for NO naked pics of any members here. i know how to google porn when i'm feeling like less of a man. seems like this site has been more focused on pussy than pot lately. now i'm starting to become embarrassed for this site, not just myself. this is a grow site and all everyone seems to be doing lately is trying to bust a nut. pathetic, if you ask me. :blsmoke::peace:
please don't put me in this group. i have begged for NO naked pics of any members here. i know how to google porn when i'm feeling like less of a man. seems like this site has been more focused on pussy than pot lately. now i'm starting to become embarrassed for this site, not just myself. this is a grow site and all everyone seems to be doing lately is trying to bust a nut. pathetic, if you ask me. :blsmoke::peace:

what are you talking about? who got naked pictures mailed to them for the calendar?

I have only received one picture... one SINGLE icture as an entry.. and it is a fully clothed girl in from of a park... no skin showing except her face..
LOL. don't act like you don't know. Avoid me, fine.. but others feel the same..

what? i can not tell if you are being serious..

My dear... I am so thankful and stoked on the pictures you sent me.. especially the pictures of you posing wth my book.. and you actually sent those pictures before the calendar thread was even started.. and I did not even ask for those pictures.. BUT i am so thankful.. and I do not mean to ignore you in the least..

I think you are wonderful and love chatting with you.. I have been in India for the past 17 days... i had internet for less than 20 minutes total plus I have a shit load projects on my plate... and when i do get a chance to breath I come straight to rollitup and post and check in on my homies...

if you submitted pictures for the calendar.. then i am sorry that i did not get them or I was not aware they were for the calendar....

Like I said I have only received one picture that said it was for the calendar... it is not even a calendar picture.. looks like it was taken with a cell phone in front of a park somewhere...

sounds like there is a witch hunt going on or some of you are being really passive aggressive.. if somebody wants to call me out.. then please do so... lets clarify this.. please don't et me be part of your daily drama.. Lets clear this up quickly so that y;all can find somebody else to be angry with.. I wanna laugh and have fun..

and yes I do enjoy looking at naked people... a lot..

I also enjoy watching fast cars, my dog pooping, people doing yoga, and surfing wipeouts.. just to name a few..


Hey Ill submit if i know clearly wot the exchange is for doing so. just make it simple make a thread put up wot you have to offer to any ladies who do the calander and then let people submit. y is this so difficult again?
I'd be more than happy to discuss this in private with you, I'm not thrilled with having to post these kind of things here- I am aware you have been away, however this happened before you left my dear.
yea!y my dog bites his lower lip when he drops it off,it makes me feel better when hes done.I tell him nice pinch.