Calf cramps..


Well-Known Member
Anyone get these? I pushed myself too much yesterday and MF'ers got me in the middle of the night, both calfs. Jesus Christ does that suck getting woke up out of a dead sleep in excruciating pain.Then i try to get out of bed and stand up and hit the floor...i think the cat was laughing at me, not sure, and forget getting back to sleep. Pretty sure it wasn't dehydration, I drink water all day long.
Anyone get these? I pushed myself too much yesterday and MF'ers got me in the middle of the night, both calfs. Jesus Christ does that suck getting woke up out of a dead sleep in excruciating pain.Then i try to get out of bed and stand up and hit the floor...i think the cat was laughing at me, not sure, and forget getting back to sleep. Pretty sure it wasn't dehydration, I drink water all day long.
Try using some Nu-Salt on your food it might help with the problem if it's a potassium issue.
When my calves hurt, I just put 'em back with their moms...



Avocados have like 5times the potassium as a banana, also if you curl your toes toward your shin when you get calf cramps they subside
Yes, i watched ANTM religiously. Fuckoff
- said NO heterosexual man ever.

Best. Show.

Ru Paul's Drag Race is a close second. You would like it.

Tyra Banks is cancer, but I love to hate her.

So when you're sucking a guys dick, do you always work the ass with your other hand, or are you just stroking the dude both hands right in there, at a medium pace?
If drinking a lot of water it can deplete salt. Try half teaspoon of sea salt in glass of water. I used to use it when working in heated paint booth.
Lol meth does that too you. I think the calcium deficiency. Idk.

But just point your toes towards chin. Like stretch your feet as to make your toes point towards your face.

That shit counter acts the spasm