cali connection's green crack?

People LOVE to talk shit about seed breeders.. No shit they don't sell the real genetics.. But they do name their strains after clone only strains. Why? Like tequila , you only need 51% blend to be called original.. It's impossible to put a clone only strain and their desired phenotype into a seed. Not even cookie fam can guarantee a seed that will be exact duplicate of the thin mint pheno (doesn't even taste like cookies or mint, ever smoke vaporized weed?taste like the finished weed from my vaporizer) These companies are just doing their best to supply you with the next best thing.. A hybrid of the original strain or a close representation/remake.. Screw Berner and all those that want to repeat his BS. Most of you people just read bs online or watch Berner talking shit. Then you pretend to be smart online and say things like "those genetics never left California", "Their seeds will herm" (and we know you ain't even from here in Cali so how would you know? Cause Berner said -lol-BTW All female seeds can herm! It's not really any seed companies fault. You can only get pollen from a cloned female by stressing it, stressing plants can cause them to herm) Those genetics are out there. I know people in cookie hype fam. I can get cuts from their garden at anytime.. Cali Connection received a lot of negative publicity from cookie fam. They wanted to own a plant (impossible) and trash anyone who came close to stealing their brand ( not their brand, belongs to Girl Scouts Organization - but go ahead and cry when someone uses the cookie name??) Cali connection cookies is a OG Kush Breath hybrid (maybe more elite than thin mint) A real cut that is related to cookies. It's not fake cookies and it's not the clone only bs/weak "thin mint" phenotype. But you will find close representations of the BS famed thin mint cookie cut (If you look hard enough) that existed B4 Berner got his hands on it ✌️
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2 year old thread
For those not in the know: OG kush breath (OGKB) is the closest thing to original cookies.. real platinum cookies is very strong but still in 2nd place, and forum cookies is a distant third place. OGKB is the same cut used in do si dos (no one calling that shit a fake cookies hybrid) and it is what Cali connection uses as GSC.. By the way: you can get real cookies fam genetics at They have a lot more cuts than they list (best genetics ever!) Contact them for a full menu.. You can read more about OG kush breath in this thread:
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