Cali GDP- First Outdoor Grow- questions/comments/suggestions appreciated


Active Member
I've seen at minimum 50 strains that look exactly like t hat. this question is useless for you.
Well good fuckin thing he didn't ask "What other strains look like the plant in this pic?". He wanted to know if his plant looks like other people's GDP plants. Why do you even have to be so negative? You've posted like 4 or 5 times in this thread and you haven't said anything that helped at all! Only talked shit about how you can't tell what strain a plant is by looking at it. Can I look at a picture of a plant and tell someone what strain it is? Probably not. Can I look at this guy's picture of his plant and tell him if it looks like my confirmed GDP cut? YES I CAN. So, with that said...

Petersparker - Your plant looks just like my GDP that I have been growing forever. Could it be another strain and not GDP? Yeah...but it sure looks a lot like GDP. I hope your grow goes well and may your GDP buds be big and juicy! Peace.
Well good fuckin thing he didn't ask "What other strains look like the plant in this pic?". He wanted to know if his plant looks like other people's GDP plants. Why do you even have to be so negative? You've posted like 4 or 5 times in this thread and you haven't said anything that helped at all! Only talked shit about how you can't tell what strain a plant is by looking at it. Can I look at a picture of a plant and tell someone what strain it is? Probably not. Can I look at this guy's picture of his plant and tell him if it looks like my confirmed GDP cut? YES I CAN. So, with that said...

Petersparker - Your plant looks just like my GDP that I have been growing forever. Could it be another strain and not GDP? Yeah...but it sure looks a lot like GDP. I hope your grow goes well and may your GDP buds be big and juicy! Peace.

STZ- Thank you for your kind words, to be honest, it really doesn't matter what it is, I'm happy it looks like yours though! First outdoor grow, just trying to figure things out. Id love to compare our pre harvest photos. Take Care
I did get it from a collective in Oakland and they said it was a GDP... don't think they'd lie... Someone just said it wasn't GDP and people got all riled up!


Well-Known Member
Well good fuckin thing he didn't ask "What other strains look like the plant in this pic?". He wanted to know if his plant looks like other people's GDP plants. Why do you even have to be so negative? You've posted like 4 or 5 times in this thread and you haven't said anything that helped at all! Only talked shit about how you can't tell what strain a plant is by looking at it. Can I look at a picture of a plant and tell someone what strain it is? Probably not. Can I look at this guy's picture of his plant and tell him if it looks like my confirmed GDP cut? YES I CAN. So, with that said...

Petersparker - Your plant looks just like my GDP that I have been growing forever. Could it be another strain and not GDP? Yeah...but it sure looks a lot like GDP. I hope your grow goes well and may your GDP buds be big and juicy! Peace.
uh, there's no point in telling him he has something it's not.

you just hav eno way of being sure it's the same.

strains aren't so characteristic that there arne't strains that don't look like it . . . . .

it's foolish of YOU to say that it looks like anything because it's basically like telling him 'ya you have that'.

seriously you're helping NO MORE than I am.
Well, I'm 5 weeks into flowering and the flowers are really starting to grow! I'm going to continue to use my flowering nutes (Big Bloom and Tiger Bloom) until next week and then will flush for the remaining 2-3 weeks! Here's a few pics of the baby, let me know what you all think



Well-Known Member
There are alot of purple strains out there that are very similar with a million different names. I have grown many purple clones with different names on them, to find out , they were the same exact cut. I've grown clones side by side from 2 different people, that were called the same, but were completely different. So who knows? right! Honestly, these buds don't look 4-5 weeks into flower. GDP by week 5 is fat and very dense. I don't know how your growing it, and many things can cause it to do that, so again who knows? It looks good, and your going to have some tasty bud it looks like! Good job...keep it up! PEACE!
There are alot of purple strains out there that are very similar with a million different names. I have grown many purple clones with different names on them, to find out , they were the same exact cut. I've grown clones side by side from 2 different people, that were called the same, but were completely different. So who knows? right! Honestly, these buds don't look 4-5 weeks into flower. GDP by week 5 is fat and very dense. I don't know how your growing it, and many things can cause it to do that, so again who knows? It looks good, and your going to have some tasty bud it looks like! Good job...keep it up! PEACE!

thanks weezer, I was told it was GDP so that's what I'm going with, honestly though, who cares, I'm gonna get some nice bud off of it and that's what really matters!
So, what from I've gathered my plants still have about 3-4 weeks left. How much can I expect the buds to grow in this time before harvest? The plant is exactly 5 feet tall and the main cola is about 16 inches, looks/smells great!