Cali outdoor SLHaze, Bubba Kush, AK-47, and Red Dragon.

Ol' Scrumpy

Oh ok. Very nice! It all looks great. I can't wait to see those get nice and huge. Its going to be beautiful with the way you have it set up and all.

Ganja Geek

Active Member
[QUOTE="SICC";4232819]I posted this link before, you should take a look and see if you see anything which your plant is experiencing[/QUOTE]

I've saved this link. Every time I load it the pics don't come up but from what I've read it doesn't look like a deficiency. Maybe a fungus but idk. I'm gunna take a few leaves to my local garden supply guy to give me a diagnosis. I call him the plant doctor. Last year I had a sick plant I asked him about. He told me to bring some leaves in to take a look. When I did he said he knows nothing about cannabis other then their related to tomato plants. He said it looks like a Mag deficiency. He then mixed some ferts together and told me to feed with it my next watering. I did and a week later the plant recovered. I just hope he can help me with this.

Ganja Geek

Active Member
Yesterday I watered the plants at site 2 with B1 again. They look pretty good so I'm just going to give them water for the frist 2 or 3 weeks then start the Fish Emulsion again. My girlfrind went to the doctor and showed him some leaves while I was at work. He said it is the leaf septoria. So thanks a lot TeeJay13 and +REP to you as soon as it let's me. I bought a fungicide and sprayed each plant down real good. Hopfuly I caught it before it could do some real damage.


Well-Known Member
Cool, I'm glad you got it sorted out!:blsmoke:
I have this handbook called Marijuana Garden Saver that covers alot and has pretty good pictures to help diagnose. It never strays far from my garden.

Ganja Geek

Active Member
Cool, I'm glad you got it sorted out!:blsmoke:
I have this handbook called Marijuana Garden Saver that covers alot and has pretty good pictures to help diagnose. It never strays far from my garden.
That sounds like somthing I need. I need to pick up a few books. All I got is the Marijuana Bible and a bunch of High Times mags.

Lookin good man lookin good :D
Sweet thanks I can't wait till flowering time! Woohoo
just wanted to stop by and tell you what a great job your doing! The girls are looking great even though they have had a few set backs. You Grow like a pro! Your gona have some killer cron, and i cant wait to try it with you!

I love you Baby;)

Ganja Geek

Active Member
Sorry for the lack of updates just been doing stuff. Mostly shopping around for more seeds to add to my collection lol. Well In the past five days the first 2 holes of site 1 have had water collecting at the bottom about 10 or 12 inches worth. I've been pumping it out of the PVC pipe and it keeps filling back up so I'll just keep it up till she's empty. The fungus has spread to all but the hemi bubba's (no more balls?) but has seemed to slow down a bit. Their next treatment of fungiscide is on the 9th. The plants at site 1 also needed thier second feedng of B1 but the soil was to wet to water because of all the rain. So I'll give them it when the soil drys out a bit more.

The plants at site 2 look amazing! It's the start of week 4 after being transplanted and their taking off. I'm going to top and clone them here in the next few days after that I'll start the training. Yesterday I tried a trial run of cloning on some hill side seedlings I had growing from bubble hash waste thrown out. Let ya know how it went when I check on them at lunch. I aslo transplanted the left over SLH and AK into five gallon buckets. They were watered with B1 to.
I just wanted to add that some surronding plants at site 2 seem to be getting the septoria pretty badly but they have all been treated for the blight, they should all recover fairly well. Also the trials clones that were started are looking very promising!:)

Love you hun

Ganja Geek

Active Member
I fed the plants at site 1 their second shot of B1 and sprayed each plant with the fungiscide again. Hopfuly that's the end of the septoria. I also transplanted the hemi bubba's into five gallon buckets. These plants haven't grown any more balls but then again they aren't in 12/12. Probably gunna throw them in the hills some where. I want to keep them but it's not worth the risk to my sinsemilla.
Pic order
1. Hemi Bubba Kush.
2. Red Dragon.
3./5. Super Lemon Haze
6./7. AK-47
8. All six plants.

Ganja Geek

Active Member
Day-80- Site 2

This is a update for yesterday. Fed the plants a 1/2 tbsp of Fish Emolsion and sprayed all the girls with the fungiscide again. I've tried to post and upload pics five times now so this is all for site 2.