Well-Known Member
And one vid says all of Morrocco uses Pakistani indica which is also located in the middle east??? Either way Middle east wins... All marijuana strains are not Land race mixes.. Breeders have singled out traits which destroy phenotypes and lose genetics due to selfing and long term cloning. Strain hunters are just that (hunters) not creators and they dont find everything so please...omg READ the ORIGINAL POST!!! PLEASE!!! he is asking who CURRENTLY holds the best genes REGARDLESS of where the plants landrace genes come from. alll marijuana strains are landrace mixes, how could they not be!
EDIT: OMG the guy above is SOOOOOOO WRONG.
GO watch the strainhunters video for morocco. They mostly use Pakistan indicas now. there are only a few pure Moroccan growers still.
Sorry to bust your bubble but you get more variety if you find potent seeds in their country of orgin. Those plants have waaaaay more genes and a ton of different pheno's so I would say that those are the best genes around, but ok I'm sooo wrong when all the top breeders you know of search these places intensely looking for the next big thing.
Eh~ he actually said best current strains and gave three places but I stick by my answer Middle East and Africa since most of the stuff we use here in the states originated from there anyway. Most so called top growers here wont tell you before the early 70's where there genes came from anyhow. But to answer your question they are all using the same plants at this point so who is best is only a matter of opinion and since we are mostly American on this site I expect the consensus to be just that... Oh well Pay me no mind...You do realize you are on an entirely different topic. So you can understand it easier, who breeds the best "diluted gene" MJ?