2) Harvested 11 days ago. Spent 1 day in a bag in my car, then after 2 days of hanging upside down in my tent, I dried them out too fast - wasn't expecting to harvest
for another 1 1/2 weeks but had an INSPECTION (Drama! Hence why they spent a day in my car). I then upped the humidity to 60, lowered the temp to 65 and was
able to keep em upside down drying for 5 days total, then trimmed and put in brown bags for 2 days.
3) Buds were BIG, I cut many down to size, but kept a few main colas that are 6" long.
4) Half the stems would snap when bent 90 degrees (not in half, but they'd make the SNAP sound)
My concern is they already feel crispy in the airtight containers- I've yet to find any MOISTURE on the lids. So I'm more interested in seeing them get some moisture b4 drying out more... But would love feedback on that.