*California could vote on legalizing marijuana in November...



I am for decriminalization, not legalization. I won't be voting for it. Regardless of how much I enjoy it, love it, like to grow it, etc., I definitley don't want to see Phillip Morris running the show, because that's what'll eventually happen. No real beef with Phillip Morris actually, but how can we compete with them?
Man still vote for the legalization, we have to take it one step at a time. As long as we can break the federal reserve's hold over the country, well go for legalization, then eventually decriminalization will be ordered by the people.

But I still think we should have a kind of law that allows sale and free growth of cannabis, because we deserve to be able to grow it ourselves but like it or not it will be a big moneymaker for the US, and boyyy do we need money.


Active Member
If this shit happens, I'm definitely going to have to move to Cali after that.

Cali is the only place I would live outside of Canada. :lol:


Well-Known Member
i understand your concern for your livlyhood

but legalization of marijuana is not about our profit margin

its about the freedom to smoke for responsible adults who choose to

think about it man if you dont support legalization because it would hurt your bottom line you are no better than the drug companies....
I knew when I posted my opinion on this I would take some shit for it. Compared to many, many others out there, I'm small time. I work a full time job, and contribute to society and don't just sponge off it, so please understand......this is NOT my livelyhood. Your last comment I think is way off base man. Are you telling me, you only grow what you can smoke and that's it? You just GIVE the rest away? Come on, let's get real here. IMO, by legalizing it you'll put many people that are growing and spending money out of "business". Big companies will jump all over this and do what we do, but on a much larger scale. You'll see fields of it as far as the eye can see all over the Central Valley. Then, you'll see real unemployment, except for the crop workers. In addition, you can bet your ass that the SALE of it by anyone other than the licensed and regulated channels will sure as shit be restricted or illegal too.