Space Angel, it's getting tougher over in NL. The christian democratic party (their leader's the one that looks like Harry Potter) are all over it. couple of years back they told the 50 coffeeshops in Amsterdam that sold weed and alcohol (i think there is around 200 coffeeshops in total) that they had to decide on one or the other (48 stayed coffeeshops - 2 went the pub route.) then they decided, if your coffeeshop is within 250 yards of a school (only the teenage school - ages 13-16) then you have to shut it down. Even one of the headmasters of a school came out and said it was a farce. (I quote her: "What will stop my pupils walking 10 yards further to buy weed!!") Last year they banned smoking of tabacco (no bad thing really) but a lot of people in Europe smoke hash and tobacco in a joint, so now they have tobacco police (can you beleive it) and also staff in some of the more touristy coffeeshops kick you out if smoking a hash's mad as a box of frogs. But the coffeeshops fight on and are still here!!!!