California Gubernatorial Recall Election


Well-Known Member
Just the fact that he screwed his friends wife shows what a d- bag he is
Better than this scum.



Well-Known Member
maybe if this was in a regular election, but in this scenario it's too risky and a republican might get in....
I agree with you, difference is, I'll be consistent about it.
The thing is even if a Republican gets in he can’t really pass anything because he’s basically a lame duck. Unless you are worried about Feinstein kicking the bucket. But she’s an old war horse and I can’t see that happening in a years time


Well-Known Member
Insult me all you like but honestly do you like the way that the state is turning out? Do you like paying $5 per gal of gas
The price of gas, or anything, is driven by "the market". You like that, right? Market Economy"? I don't like it, but if you don't, Texas is calling you.
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Well-Known Member
Newsom has done a lot yo make things worse. Why doesn’t he invest in more planes and technology to put the fires out instead of letting them burn for weeks? All he does is visit fire ravaged areas and spout off about climate change but does nothing else. In fact he was caught lying about the progress he has made in fire prevention. What about finding a way to desalinate the ocean water or keep water reservoirs? Things that actually matter. He spend billions on social programs which will more than likely be funneled into his buddies pockets and not to the intended purposes. He hasn’t done anything I can say actually has improved quality of life in CA. We need a nonpolitician for a change that isn’t getting handouts and getting rich from special interests. I’m just saying we need change
The non politician is you! You have the answers. You should run for governor. Run, Bodega, run!


Well-Known Member
I say this to my daughter when the situation fits. She’s one of not many 13 year olds with a National Lampoon’s Vacation movie reference.

I’m such a bad parent.
Not bad, at all. Show her some Marx Brothers insults. They stand the test of time. "Why don't you bore a hole in yourself and let the sap run out?" I used that one on a boss that fired me. It satisfied and got a giggle from the girls in the office. Worth it.


Well-Known Member
You guys need to lay off the CNN. If you are outraged by a bunch of idiots dressed like Vikings scaling the capital wall but not by looting and arson of businesses then something is seriously wrong
The Department of Homeland Security says white terrorists are a violent threat and Antifa is not. They say this based upon actual violence perpetrated by white terrorist. In other words they look at the facts and you look at Fox News or worse.

So, Fox has gotten you to believe them. What you believe is irrelevant.