California outdoor

humbo jumbo

Well-Known Member
So heres today update. Gave a real nice watering, buds are looking nice.

Didn't have much time to examine the leaves for bugs or anything, which kind of worries me. Since friday I found a few webs going from mid buds to the top. Hopefully I don't end up getting spider mites! Ill take a look tomorrow, and see how it looks.

Heres the pictures.



Well-Known Member
I am really interested in seeing if your plant stays in flower. We are up to 14.5 hours of total light now in SoCal. Got my fingers crossed for ya HJ.:weed:

humbo jumbo

Well-Known Member
Thanks shame, I really appreciate it. Were I live im probably more around 15 hours. Sun doesnt set till about 8:05 =/

We will see though!!


Rope Smoker

Well-Known Member
Been awhile sence Iv'e cheacked in on you Humbo Jumbo! Your girl is looking good man. I'll send you some good vibes so she will stay flowering and not go hermi on you! keep up the good work! :peace:peace man:peace:

humbo jumbo

Well-Known Member
Update today, real cloudy & kind of cold out :?

Foggy this morning, plant was still a little wet. Gave mainly nutrients.

Lots of bugs all over leaves, and some tips look a little eaten. Haven't really had time to examine it closely and get rid of the bug infestation. I'm not too worried as of now, but If it gets any worse ill have to start taking some action.



Well-Known Member
Man take care of those bugs before they do any damage. I didn't do anything until I saw damage and they screwed up 5 of my plants. Any idea what kind of bugs ?

humbo jumbo

Well-Known Member
all sorts of stuff. There was black feces on a bunch of leaves, weird black flies, some mosquito eaters, and some obvious eggs that all got the finger! :cuss:

I've found that were I placed my plant this occurs a lot and each time the natural predators have seemed to kill them for the most part.


Well-Known Member
grew from about 15 cfls for unknown time put outside about week ago, used light nutrients and now ive been giving nute dose at 3/4 strength and going strong sorry for bad pics and the droopy one is always droopy dunno why and i dont over water, every 3-4 days


humbo jumbo

Well-Known Member

today there seemed to be alot of new green growth coming out of the buds, I dunno if this is something that happens when it revegs? But I kind of assume thats whats going on.

As far as this grow, I'm going to finish it to see what actually happens to the plant. But starting monday I plan to put out a few clones Ive been vegging, with just a few cfls I picked up at the local market.

They are from a relative, and are suppose to be some pretty wicked smoke.

Heres the best I could do for a photo.

Also clipped off one of the smallest buds at the bottom that wasn't getting any light.
