California Supreme Court: State’s Marijuana Possession Limits Are A Floor!


Well-Known Member
California Supreme Court: State’s Marijuana Possession Limits Are A Floor, Not A Ceiling.

The Supreme Court made it clear today that medical growers in California do not have to worry about the guidelines because they are simply guidelines.
And amount of consumption is a matter for the doctor and patient not the state or county!

It looks like all these steps in the right direction are turning into a jog!:-P

...Colorado could figure THAT out! They are beginning the downward spiral I'm afraid. :-( Only state with the medical provision in their state constitution and they're going to F%@# it up! :cuss:

Sure Shot

Well-Known Member
Basically what this says is that if your doc says it's ok.
You can grow 99 plants without breaking any law!


Well-Known Member
It says there are no limits but it also leaves it up for the police to interpret what is not legal. I wouldn't go over board I also would have my doctors note state what I can grow and can't grow as far as limits. You will need to grow more if you ingest it asa edible medicine. So think what you are doing folks before you run out and go crazy. If they take plants for evidence do you really think they will get watered? Good Luck be sensible


Active Member
It says there are no limits but it also leaves it up for the police to interpret what is not legal. I wouldn't go over board I also would have my doctors note state what I can grow and can't grow as far as limits. You will need to grow more if you ingest it asa edible medicine. So think what you are doing folks before you run out and go crazy. If they take plants for evidence do you really think they will get watered? Good Luck be sensible

Ofcourse bra, wouldnt have it anyother way. Doesnt exclude you from arrest, only cures you from certain punishment. You oviously dont want to have a bunch of baggies, guns etc. layin around. A good grower thinks smart


Well-Known Member
...Colorado could figure THAT out! They are beginning the downward spiral I'm afraid. :-( Only state with the medical provision in their state constitution and they're going to F%@# it up! :cuss:
Sad but true. I don't like the direction things are heading in CO these days. Anytime you have cops writing legislation you know nothing good can come from it...


Well-Known Member
i think this will again really discourage cops from trying to make more marijuana arrests - they already have to contend with suspects who have cards - now they can't even arrest someone with a huge bag or a large grow.. who are they going to arrest now? hopefully they will do what i think we all want - spend all that extra pot-harassment time and energy on busting actual violent offenders..!