California to demand Trump's Taxes

There are exactly 2,472

That's true.

Wrong. Completely.

If there is only one person running, there are no primaries held. The GOP will simply hold the convention where they all boast about how much they love their president and want to help him get reelected. The entire state delegate system at that point becomes moot.

You can not have a primary in a state without an opponent seeking the nomination. Trump will not have an opponent, ergo no primaries will be held, ergo everything you've said is completely and totally pointless.

But again, do keep on living on wishful thinking. That's how Trump got elected to begin with.

And just to take that one step further for you, there's this little factoid: No incumbent president in the history of the United States has ever lost a primary challenge.

So again, keep dreaming. It's what you're best at.
I read that a few states are discussing cancelling primaries to avoid embarrassing the president. South Carolina did that in 2004.

I don't get where you came up with the idea that I said this would be a way to get rid of Trump. Never said that. If you could read past your rage you would have found that I was just wondering how states could assign delegates when Trump is not on the ballot in a primary. Your answer seems to be that you believe Republicans in every state, all fifty of them are going to cancel presidential primaries. I don't disagree that this is possible. Except for New Hampshire, where by law primaries must be held.

It would be a glorious and public admission by Republicans that they have decided that voters are too inconvenient to include in their leadership selection process.
amazed at how a person claims to be not in U.S. but very much involved in the politics of America.
It always pays to keep tabs on the world's biggest and most brutal bully. Only Americans can afford to be so ignorant about politics.
Just so we're clear, using phony tax returns is frowned upon by you?
squarepud doesn't care about facts. Makes everything else up, why not Trump's tax returns? I'm sure there is a phoney return somewhere in her list of fake news sites. Probably shows Trump giving every penny to charity too.