they do... alcohol industry, medical industry, plastic industry, cotton industry, 25000 other industries dont want MJ legal. But the people will win. It has to happen. the world is fuckin up cause we keep killing it with poisons and cutting all the trees and making ajmehd rich with the oils... I sure hope this will go through but i can see major risistance from those companies...Like always!I hope it gets done but ive just heard it so many times over the past 20 years and nothing ever changes.
Anyone would think that they had other "reasons" to keep it illegal![]()
is that your camaro, 68-69? friggin beautiful.
well im sorry but it should be. I understand that we are trying to use the $$$ spin because of the economy. But if its legal for a company to produce it and serve it to the public it should be legal for me to make it and consume it if i do so choose to. I mean, Its not illegal to make your own beer... tabacco plants ... vegetables.... shit the list goes on my friend. I personally dont care cause i am a patientthe $50 oz tax i only applicable to licensed producers. Everyone else will just pay a sales tax when you buy it like you do with cigarettes.
Just because it becomes legal to regulate and sale doesnt mean that everyone can just start growin pot. That will still be illegal (unless your a medi patient). The IRS will be on your ass for producing un-tax'd marijuana and not being a licensed producer.
the consumer will pay about 50$ an ounce tax... duh... if it costs to grow.. then it will cost to buy... period.The same case will apply with the marijuana, and even though the $50 an ounce tax seems high only the producers that sale will have to pay the tax. The consumer will pay a much smaller sales tax.
No of course... I think i just started dreaming ahead of being able to go buy a pack of kush or a carton of white widow wides... i mean if the producer has to pay 50$ an ounce to make the carton im thinking ill be paying that tax for him....anyone would be able to grow.. selling is a different story
the article stated that all penalties for growing selling etc would be taken away...
selling it you would need to be taxed.
most likely have some sort of license as well
only time will tell