California to use Texas abortion decision to ban assault weapons

You can't just get online and buy all the parts to build a gun without going through a background check. Ghost guns can't legally be purchased or sold.
Ammo from Russia :lol: So I'm going to contact an illicit ammo seller in Russia, to order dirty ammo that probably misfires more than it fires, pay to have it shipped to me, and hope I don't get caught......when I can literally buy it at dozens of stores within 10 miles, or order it from numerous online suppliers.
Guns aren't the problem. Mental health is the problem that plagues the world. It's not a profitable business, but the problems it causes are. We can sit around throwing rocks at each other all day, but we've witnessed for thousands of years that it doesn't solve anything.
Living in a country that has been able to do a pretty good job of regulating the purchase and ownership of guns gives me the perception that, yes guns are the problem too. But yes, your right about the mental health issues. More stringent controls for owning and the purchase is a great place to start IMO.
Edit: mandatory training is an excellent tool.
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Many seem to forget the central aspect of California that will always have it be a bastion of true individual rights.

They point at gun laws and high taxes in order to condemn the state as a land rampant with nutso liberals.

What they ignore is our state constitution. They ignore our property tax limitation, they ignore the fact that this state still manages to feed the nation, it is the fifth largest economy in the world.

Recall that California was the first, by a decade, to deal with legal cannabis.

When state after backward state is outlawing abortion it will still be reasonable and acceptable in California.

Voting rights will still be sound and fair in..California.

California never came close to falling for trump idiocy.

We have special problems here which require extraordinary solutions but taken as a whole, any American would be far better off in this state after the 2024 elections.

Are you smoking crack? Gun laws, high taxes, terrible leadership, 51% of the entire homeless population, 30% increase in murders over the last year, terrible policies leading to the while fucking state burning, and the list goes on and on.....

5th largest economy, yet the state is always a financial disaster :clap: I'm assuming you live there the way your defending them, been outside lately? How about those beautiful garbage lined interstates :lol: Funny you mention California "feeds the nation", where does the water come from that feeds all those plants?
Drink the kool-aid and try to share it, but you live there, you know what kind of a disaster it has become as a direct result of liberal policies. Argue all you want, California's population shrunk last year for the first time in history.
You can't just get online and buy all the parts to build a gun without going through a background check. Ghost guns can't legally be purchased or sold.
Ammo from Russia :lol: So I'm going to contact an illicit ammo seller in Russia, to order dirty ammo that probably misfires more than it fires, pay to have it shipped to me, and hope I don't get caught......when I can literally buy it at dozens of stores within 10 miles, or order it from numerous online suppliers.
Guns aren't the problem. Mental health is the problem that plagues the world. It's not a profitable business, but the problems it causes are. We can sit around throwing rocks at each other all day, but we've witnessed for thousands of years that it doesn't solve anything.
I don't find it as funny that the radicalized Mexican hunting dick head that killed over 20 people with his Russian ammo.

Having the ability to target our mentally disturbed people online, further radicalize them and send them guns and ammo cheap enough for the new domestic terrorist to be able to afford it, is not something I think that it is a good idea to allow nations attacking us to do. Shot 2021-12-18 at 3.30.57 PM.png
El Paso shooting
More than 20 people were killed in an Aug. 3, 2019, shooting rampage at a Walmart in El Paso. The gunman was arrested and charged with capital murder for the shooting in El Paso, which is recovering from what federal law enforcement has classified as an act of domestic terrorism.
* Clarification appended.

When the alleged gunman walked into an El Paso Walmart earlier this month to carry out the worst massacre of Hispanic people in recent American history, he went in with an assault weapon he said he bought from Romania, according to a Texas Department of Public Safety report obtained by The Texas Tribune.

The white 21-year-old suspect in the shooting told El Paso police shortly after his arrest that the Romanian AK-47 was sent to a gun dealer near his home in Allen, a suburb outside of Dallas. He also said he bought a thousand rounds of ammunition from Russia.

El Paso police previously said that the AK-47 used in the shooting that killed 22 people was bought legally, but they did not provide any additional details about its purchase. In a manifesto published just before the shooting, the alleged shooter said the rifle was a WASR-10, a semi-automatic version of a Romanian military AK-47 weapon. The DPS report obtained by the Tribune includes a summary of the suspect's interview with police, providing more details on the weapon and the suspect's actions in the racist slaying where he said he “wanted to shoot as many Mexicans as possible.”

DPS referred questions about the report to the El Paso Police Department, which declined to comment on the investigation. The suspect's lawyer did not respond to request for comment.

Gun experts said it’s common for people to buy imported firearms online and have them delivered through local gun stores, which complete the necessary background check. Although the suspect said he purchased the gun from Romania, they said he likely bought online a Romanian-manufactured gun that had been imported into the United States.

“Primarily the reason that people are attracted to these imports is that they’re less expensive,” said David Chipman, a senior policy adviser at Giffords, a national gun control group, referring to similar U.S. weapons like the AR-15.

The suspected shooter told El Paso detectives shortly after his arrest that the Romanian rifle was delivered to “Gun Masters” in Allen, where he picked it up, according to the report. There is no store with that name in Allen, but there is a Gunmaster gun shop in neighboring Plano.

Gunmaster’s owner couldn’t be reached Tuesday by The Tribune. Brian Park, the store’s gunsmith, said he didn’t know if the El Paso shooter received the AK-47 from his store. When a reporter mentioned the alleged shooter referenced a store called Gun Masters in Allen, Park said, “That would be us.” But, Park added, he thought he would have heard if the shooter received his weapon from his store.

Gun imports are regulated by the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, and high-powered semi-automatic weapons must be recognized as being used for "sporting purposes," not military use, to be admitted, according to a bureau guidebook. Last year, Romania exported about 9,000 semi-automatic rifles to the U.S., according to an Arms Trade Treaty report.

“Largely, today these styles of assault weapons are being characterized as sporting weapons,” Chipman said, adding that the interpretation varies in different presidential administrations.

Chipman said the importer for the WASR-10 was likely Florida-based Century Arms, which makes any modifications to ensure they’re legal in the U.S. and then transfers the purchased guns to local dealers. Century Arms did not return calls or emails from the Tribune.

Michael Cargill, owner of Central Texas Gun Works in Austin, said the process is similar to buying a foreign car — but with an added federal background check of the buyer at the local store.

“Think of it like a BMW or a Mercedes,” he said. “You get it through a local dealer here.”

Ammunition bought online, however, can be acquired through an importer and shipped directly to your door if it’s legal in the receiving state, Cargill said. Only six states and Washington, D.C., have bans on possessing assault weapons, according to the Giffords Law Center to Prevent Violence. Texas is not one of them.

In addition to information about the weapon, the alleged gunman told detectives about his manifesto, seemingly confirming he wrote the hate-filled writings that described the attack as a “response to the Hispanic invasion of Texas.” After the discovery of the manifesto, federal authorities began investigating the shooting as an act of domestic terrorism.

According to the DPS report, the suspect told police he went into the Walmart, went back out to his car to finish and publish the manifesto, and then walked back into the store to kill Hispanic shoppers.

The report also said the suspect, wearing ear protection and carrying an assault weapon, “was surprised no one challenged him or shot him” when he walked into the store. Under Texas law, no license is needed to openly carry a rifle in public. He also said that after the shooting, he left in his car and called 911, but he couldn’t get through to a dispatcher. He told detectives he was returning to the store to surrender when he encountered Texas Rangers.

Clarification: This story has been updated to clarify how ammunition from overseas can be shipped to consumers’ homes.

Are you smoking crack? Gun laws, high taxes, terrible leadership, 51% of the entire homeless population, 30% increase in murders over the last year, terrible policies leading to the while fucking state burning, and the list goes on and on.....

5th largest economy, yet the state is always a financial disaster :clap: I'm assuming you live there the way your defending them, been outside lately? How about those beautiful garbage lined interstates :lol: Funny you mention California "feeds the nation", where does the water come from that feeds all those plants?
Drink the kool-aid and try to share it, but you live there, you know what kind of a disaster it has become as a direct result of liberal policies. Argue all you want, California's population shrunk last year for the first time in history.
Nice cherry picking of your timeframe.

I would look back to pre-2014 and post 2014 for a more relevant one. Shot 2021-12-18 at 3.40.51 PM.png
Isn't this meaningless? Hundreds of thousands of semi-auto long rifles already exist in California. Millions more exist just a state line or two away. Which manufacturers do you sue. . . . . . . .
I think you are suing the folks who buy the guns not the makers.
Are you smoking crack? Gun laws, high taxes, terrible leadership, 51% of the entire homeless population, 30% increase in murders over the last year, terrible policies leading to the while fucking state burning, and the list goes on and on.....

5th largest economy, yet the state is always a financial disaster :clap: I'm assuming you live there the way your defending them, been outside lately? How about those beautiful garbage lined interstates :lol: Funny you mention California "feeds the nation", where does the water come from that feeds all those plants?
Drink the kool-aid and try to share it, but you live there, you know what kind of a disaster it has become as a direct result of liberal policies. Argue all you want, California's population shrunk last year for the first time in history.
The gross domestic product (GDP) of California was about 3.09 trillion U.S. dollars in 2020, meaning that it contributed the most out of any state to the country's GDP in that year.
California is way ahead of the competition as far as per-capita contribution goes. While 12 percent of Americans live in California, the state contributed 14.8 percent to GDP in 2020. New York state, where 6.3 percent of Americans live, had a share of 7.6 percent of GDP in 2020. Florida, which has a 6 percent share of population, only contributed 5.1 percent of GDP.
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Are you smoking crack? Gun laws, high taxes, terrible leadership, 51% of the entire homeless population, 30% increase in murders over the last year, terrible policies leading to the while fucking state burning, and the list goes on and on.....

5th largest economy, yet the state is always a financial disaster :clap: I'm assuming you live there the way your defending them, been outside lately? How about those beautiful garbage lined interstates :lol: Funny you mention California "feeds the nation", where does the water come from that feeds all those plants?
Drink the kool-aid and try to share it, but you live there, you know what kind of a disaster it has become as a direct result of liberal policies. Argue all you want, California's population shrunk last year for the first time in history.

Ok, let's start with the "smoking crack" part. I never found my judgement, memory or reason seriously affected by injestion of coca in any form.

Now, I mentioned that our gun laws ( that you can't have any gun you want any time you want for free just b cause you want one), are to be balanced against other advantages of living in this state.

Taxes? Yep, staying in the better places cost more. I can never understand how people who spend a week in the beat hotel with the finest service have no problem withb$1500 a night for the privilege but these same people bitch about federal taxes as though their stay in "the greatest country on earth" should damn well be free.

Terrible leadership? California was the first to shut down in the face of the pandemic. We have term limits here, I thought that was supposed to be a good thing..

The California referendum system second to none. the people may Amend their constitution directly.

51 percent of the homeless? Well sure, figure good climate, warm weather and this being the most populous state, it might have the most folks who don't have homes.

Garbage lined interstates? I travel our freeways, note the word free there, all the time and have yet to see such a thing. It would appear that you are perhaps being fed a view of this state that may be purposefully inaccurate.

Folks love to bash California. But as I said, these "liberal policies" got us reasonable pot laws long before other states. These liberal policies support women and minorities and support a damn good education system that teaches far less bullshit than, say, Texas. We aren't burning books in California.

73 percent of this state is vaccinated.

Shall we compare the state of things here to say, Georgia? Texas? Florida? Kansas? Idaho?

You figure leadership there is better?

Do you?
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Are you smoking crack? Gun laws, high taxes, terrible leadership, 51% of the entire homeless population, 30% increase in murders over the last year, terrible policies leading to the while fucking state burning, and the list goes on and on.....

5th largest economy, yet the state is always a financial disaster :clap: I'm assuming you live there the way your defending them, been outside lately? How about those beautiful garbage lined interstates :lol: Funny you mention California "feeds the nation", where does the water come from that feeds all those plants?
Drink the kool-aid and try to share it, but you live there, you know what kind of a disaster it has become as a direct result of liberal policies. Argue all you want, California's population shrunk last year for the first time in history.
Wait, I missed that the first time. Policies leading to the state burning..."

What does that mean?
Ok, let's start with the "smoking crack" part. I never found my judgement, memory or reason seriously affected by injestion of coca in any form.

Now, I mentioned that our gun laws ( that you can't have any gun you want any time you want for free just b cause you want one), are to be balanced against other advantages of living in this state.

Taxes? Yep, staying in the better places cost more. I can never understand how people who spend a week in the beat hotel with the finest service have no problem withb$1500 a night for the privilege but these same people bitch about federal taxes as though their stay in "the greatest country on earth" should damn well be free.

Terrible leadership? California was the first to shut down in the face of the pandemic. We have term limits here, I thought that was supposed to be a good thing..

The California referendum system second to none. the people may Amend their constitution directly.

51 percent of the homeless? Well sure, figure good climate, warm weather and this being the most populous state, it might have the most folks who don't have homes.

Garbage lined interstates? I travel our freeways, note the word free there, all the time and have yet to see such a thing. It would appear that you are perhaps being fed a view of this state that may be purposefully inaccurate.

Folks love to bash California. But as I said, these "liberal policies" got us reasonable pot laws long before other states. These liberal policies support women and minorities and support a damn good education system that teaches far less bullshit than, say, Texas. We aren't burning books in California.

73 percent of this state is vaccinated.

Shall we compare the state of things here to say, Georgia? Texas? Florida? Kansas? Idaho?

You figure leadership there is better?

Do you?
I would just like to add that there is a high likelyhood that all those Red rural areas/towns/suburbs/states giving homeless people a ticket out of town because they have a shit social safety net are sending their homeless to the cities and eventually Cali. It would be interesting to see a really good study on hometowns of homeless people to be able to see with certainty that the problem in these areas are really just more (mainly) Republican caused ones.
I would just like to add that there is a high likelyhood that all those Red rural areas/towns/suburbs/states giving homeless people a ticket out of town because they have a shit social safety net are sending their homeless to the cities and eventually Cali. It would be interesting to see a really good study on hometowns of homeless people to be able to see with certainty that the problem in these areas are really just more (mainly) Republican caused ones.
the big cities should start putting them on buses "home" and see how quickly shit would start to happen then