My parents just bought a new vehicle...registration $485 per year ($48 where I'm at)......gas $3.90 gal ($3.15 where I'm at).....cigarettes $50 carton ($22 where I'm at)....4 bedroom home $350,000 ($125,000 for Identical home where I'm at)...I can go on and on and on.....My mom spent the time to figure out all the miscellaneous charges/taxes....cigarette tax, phone service tax, gas tax, waste service tax, Hotel hospitality tax, tax this.... tax that.....It figured out to be 43% of her pay check.....California has slipped in so many tiny charges on to everything!!!....I doubt many Californians have taken the time to add up all the little service fees/taxes and figured out the total percentage of their check that is going back to the state....They've spread it out over all the products and services that people use everyday....Is a construction job any different in cali...NO!....Are the cigarettes different...NO! Is the gallon of milk your wife asks you to get on the way home from work different...NO!....Are the roads made of special concrete so your tires last forever....NO!!! Well it must be because the schools are outstanding...Hmmm...NO!!!!!......Fuck California and their socialist/communist regime!!!!! now ask me how I really feel!!!!!