--*CALI'S Bong Rip Thread*--

man to read all those posts took me like 15 minutes lol i had to c all the rips bongsmilie =).. now i just gota get my recorder workin and ill be able to post mine up
J's that was fucking awesome!!!! Watch theres going to be some fucking hippy animal right activist

bamm bamm thats what i was thinking RIGHT after i posted it. but all was well. :mrgreen: i NEVER hold her and make her take a rip. as you could see she was just chillin there, if she wanted to leave, thats her choice.:peace:but she never will, she loves to get high. right when i exhale she begins to purrr....:blsmoke:
::mouth watering::

that does it. i have hinted around to my ol lady over the past few months that i was considering moving to cali.. and to my suprise she was very enthusiastic about the idea ( she always wanted to get me away from my scumbag friends) .. she is also wanting to relocate to potentially advance her career.. (little does she know, i will be just swapping out my current scumbag friends for a whole nother batch of scumbags friends with much cooler toyz) lol
so i hereby announce that i will be taking the rest of this year to plan out a smooth move to the west coast..
anything i should know about that isnt in this big great picture ive painted in my head?
i mean earthquakes gotta suck right?

heres a bubble buster for ya.....California is so expensive to live that $20 an hour is like $10 hour where your at.....so if you can live off $10 hour!!!!!! Just ask these cali guys what they pay for Car Registration, gas, rent......I left cali 2 years ago cause I was tired of getting ripped off by the state!!!!!
heres a bubble buster for ya.....California is so expensive to live that $20 an hour is like $10 hour where your at.....so if you can live off $10 hour!!!!!! Just ask these cali guys what they pay for Car Registration, gas, rent......I left cali 2 years ago cause I was tired of getting ripped off by the state!!!!!

So true, it is WAY too expensive to live here in Cali...but I don't think I'm ever going to leave.
I haven't worked in 6months either did the same thing...Im still legally making most of the people I know=) and then with this harvest I'll possibly sell some to the club if I have more than I can smoke=) California is a way of life I'd never leave for another state but I'd definately move the fuck out of our country in a heartbeat if I could go where I wanted to.
heres a bubble buster for ya.....California is so expensive to live that $20 an hour is like $10 hour where your at.....so if you can live off $10 hour!!!!!! Just ask these cali guys what they pay for Car Registration, gas, rent......I left cali 2 years ago cause I was tired of getting ripped off by the state!!!!!

damn really? well.. $1000/week plus "supplemental" income should cover my cost of living.. and my ol lady's income would help too.. it cant be THAT expensive. can it?
My parents just bought a new vehicle...registration $485 per year ($48 where I'm at)......gas $3.90 gal ($3.15 where I'm at).....cigarettes $50 carton ($22 where I'm at)....4 bedroom home $350,000 ($125,000 for Identical home where I'm at)...I can go on and on and on.....My mom spent the time to figure out all the miscellaneous charges/taxes....cigarette tax, phone service tax, gas tax, waste service tax, Hotel hospitality tax, tax this.... tax that.....It figured out to be 43% of her pay check.....California has slipped in so many tiny charges on to everything!!!....I doubt many Californians have taken the time to add up all the little service fees/taxes and figured out the total percentage of their check that is going back to the state....They've spread it out over all the products and services that people use everyday....Is a construction job any different in cali...NO!....Are the cigarettes different...NO! Is the gallon of milk your wife asks you to get on the way home from work different...NO!....Are the roads made of special concrete so your tires last forever....NO!!! Well it must be because the schools are outstanding...Hmmm...NO!!!!!......Fuck California and their socialist/communist regime!!!!! now ask me how I really feel!!!!!
oh yeah its cheaper at other places but other states suck IMO remember these are just my opinions and I love my state... You might've had a bad expierence here or something or maybe you just didn't make enough money to cut it out here and went somewhere else like alot of people do... Since you took all the time to figure everything I think your just jealous of us all that we can afford it or something=) otherwise you wouldn't be bitching about it..SO stop hijacking the Cali thread please=)

Name one state with all the beautiful places as cali... Yeah higher cost of living but look where you live and look where I live I have nothing against other states IMO California is just superior for soooo many reasons though... I have friends that have moved and yeah they have more money now but big fucking deal you pay $100k for a house that cost $300k(I don't know where you can find one that cheap out here anyways my parents is worth close to $2mill=) But Honestly I think its funny that you guys took to the time to figure out the cigarette cost.. I smoke too but to me thats a bit overboard=)...to each his own.If cigarettes are that much a part of your life that you must calculate them into all your espenses you smoke too much=). Plus there more like $35 -40 I don't where their $50..

I wouldn't leave cali for anything but another state./

and where is our socialist/communist regime... I guess alot of commis are allowed to grow and smoke weed???

now when you compare registration yeah ours is definately higher thank god they lowered from how it was.(once paid $1000 to register a 4x4 crew cab chevy)... Are your parents driving a more expensive car though also I bet they are=) I know mine do=)So the price/value/age of the vehicle are all relative to the cost of registration fees...