Cali's Kush Journal..19 Clones/2000 Watts.


New Member
Hey Cali Mod. Congrats again on the role as mod here.
Was that your wife or just a real jealous member? ;)


Well-Known Member
Damn them plants look healthy, look at all that light! they must be blooming with no problem in that healthy environment. Nice job!


Well-Known Member
Here is how they looked last night before the light went off.....also I got a couple of my old plants from my neighbor and harvested them last night..



Well-Known Member
ahhh.. yummy.. those buds are lookin dankity dank. lol... my mouth is watering.. now im staring at my lil mini me's drifting into a dreamlike state where i imagine the thick, sweet stream of smoke of the finished product..... then i wake up and realize they are like 10 inches! Grrr. .

anyway.. good shit bro.:peace:


Well-Known Member
and im on my way to the hydro shop to get the setting up a 4x4 flood and drain table to try this hydro thing out....wish me luck


Well-Known Member
I love my hydro shop...Look what you get for 110 bucks....a whole set up, rockwool, tubing, pumps, airstone, 2x4 trey, fill and drain valves, a 20 gallon res, everything but the light..can't beat that..



Well-Known Member
liking ur cali shit man and does ur cat smoke with your or someshit???? o yeah and what was ur soil mix for ur cali/ others ur are growing