Cali's Rotating ladies.


Well-Known Member
ahhh they are beautiful. I must be just a bit behind mine are starting to go crazy. Over night last night saw way noticeable growth, before this it was just slow and steady. I've got a few days before I hit a month too. So what's your favorite strain in your batch so far? I've got Blackberry kush, Big Bud, Duck-foot, and Grape fruit in flower, Blackberry by far outdoing anything I've even seen before. And I've got lollipop, afghan, and an unknown I think it's grape ape, that I've yet to see flower. I'm curious to see your juicy fruit when it's done, got some juicy fruit from a local grower few months back and it was amazing.


Well-Known Member
nice nuggies. :hump:
Thx Fdd:blsmoke:

ahhh they are beautiful. I must be just a bit behind mine are starting to go crazy. Over night last night saw way noticeable growth, before this it was just slow and steady. I've got a few days before I hit a month too. So what's your favorite strain in your batch so far? I've got Blackberry kush, Big Bud, Duck-foot, and Grape fruit in flower, Blackberry by far outdoing anything I've even seen before. And I've got lollipop, afghan, and an unknown I think it's grape ape, that I've yet to see flower. I'm curious to see your juicy fruit when it's done, got some juicy fruit from a local grower few months back and it was amazing.
thanks for checking in...Ya they'll fatten up in the last few weeks.. blackberry huh sounds delicious! well I have never tried the BG so thats a surprise, but JF is my favorite thus far and afghan goo.. trying to get my hands on some Goo :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Cali those buds are looking real nice. Starting to fill in it looks like. The plants look good and happy too.


Well-Known Member
Thanks TC..

I took some more pics today I m not sure wot is wrong with the veg room.. but everyone looks a lil down.. the ac is going out, only lasted one summer,soo temps have been getting in the high 80's. I think I may have over nuted a few; I definately have under fed. I just fed yesterday gave some N.. I have decided to flower out most my mothers as I have plenty up and coming.. plus the flower room is full for another couple weeks anyhow.. ( Ill have pics tomorrow when lights come on) ...Guess It's time to watch the Grass grow:blsmoke:.

Cali those buds are looking real nice. Starting to fill in it looks like. The plants look good and happy too.



Well-Known Member
Ok so I feed yesterday , the last two time before I just used plain distilled, so they were due. I gave 3/4stregth big bloom and 3/4 stregth Awsome Blossom along with superthrive and tried this product by BC?? i think its called sugar daddy its not a nute 0-0-0 suppose to help sweeten.. I use it for my strawberries.. well anyways I went in just now and found everything spotty. let me knwo wot you think.. should I flush?


dirt clean

Well-Known Member
I wish I could be more help. That looks like water got on the leaves too.:(. IS that what nute burn would like look like in soil? Might be ph too I am betting some pros might say. IDK.

I am still having prob figuring out how to collect the runoff, rofl. Tying shoes over here, first time in soil. I got my journal.

Glad to see you working. Temps are a bitch. At what level do you notice leaf curl? I saw it at 81. Sometimes less if the light is under 6 -8 inchs I think.

I am using organic nutes and top dressing. My journal is up. It is a little odd. I ate my whole days shot of pills this morning when I wrote it. The pain in my legs gets worse when I sleep in. Lol.

Lol, cops came. Told me I was ok. "A real live medical marijuana grow!" They called their freinds.



Well-Known Member
Ok so I feed yesterday , the last two time before I just used plain distilled, so they were due. I gave 3/4stregth big bloom and 3/4 stregth Awsome Blossom along with superthrive and tried this product by BC?? i think its called sugar daddy its not a nute 0-0-0 suppose to help sweeten.. I use it for my strawberries.. well anyways I went in just now and found everything spotty. let me knwo wot you think.. should I flush?
i get the same little spots all over my clones and mothers. i ignore it and the leaves die and fall off. it seems to be happening when i over water, though it could be anything. if i back off on watering they grow out of it.


Well-Known Member
ya the ones in the flower room did seem pretty wet when i went in there. I think I may have gnats as well.ggrrr.. well ill let em dry otu a bit.

i get the same little spots all over my clones and mothers. i ignore it and the leaves die and fall off. it seems to be happening when i over water, though it could be anything. if i back off on watering they grow out of it.


Well-Known Member
:) hello love! looks like u have urself a little problem eh? wish i could help, but ill give u my 2cents, looks alittle like lite bleaching or excessive heat from ur lite, but then again i dont know whats goin on in ur garden ( too bad ;P ) but im sure you will find a way, keep um the good work hun! stop by and see my ladies some time! Thegirls


Well-Known Member
Thanks Neo.. temps are fine in there I laid off the watering have been lettting them dry out a bit and trimmed up nothing has changed so thats good, thanks for the link Ill have to check it out. the JF is fattening up real nice Ill take pics this weekend.

:) hello love! looks like u have urself a little problem eh? wish i could help, but ill give u my 2cents, looks alittle like lite bleaching or excessive heat from ur lite, but then again i dont know whats goin on in ur garden ( too bad ;P ) but im sure you will find a way, keep um the good work hun! stop by and see my ladies some time! Thegirls


Well-Known Member
Ok so here are some updated pics I believe we are about 3 weeks away from harvest. I tossed oen of my BB moms in to flower she is the beast in the back she was hitting the roof so I tied her down and she jus wont stop growing still too tall for the light, probaly will toss a couple t5's over top. everyone is coming along nicely. also a few pics of the clones in veg just repotted them so they all are looking happy, I keep one BG which is in the back corner. lil goat is getting FAT! and growing like a weed... tehehehe.. ok well I thought it was funny :blsmoke:



Well-Known Member
Pics continued

ps... for got to rotate pics srry all.



Well-Known Member
Lookin great Cali, I swear I posted like 2 days ago, but it seems to be gone. Maybe I was real stoned and messed it up!


Well-Known Member
i get the same little spots all over my clones and mothers. i ignore it and the leaves die and fall off. it seems to be happening when i over water, though it could be anything. if i back off on watering they grow out of it.

Hey Fdd ok so I let them fry out a bit like u suggested everyone looked ok, well yesterday the smaller JF was dry a lil wilty too so I gave it jus distilled water no nutes and Now it looks awful I attached sum pics... wot the hell did I do to it lol

Hi little goat. Nice grow! Looking good!
Thanks relax should be chopping at the end of the month :)

Lookin great Cali, I swear I posted like 2 days ago, but it seems to be gone. Maybe I was real stoned and messed it up!
hahaha no worries TC thanks for checking in.. ur grow looks awsum too!

