Calisthenics, Ido portal method and Ginastica natural thread.


Well-Known Member
Hey people,

I wanted to start a thread on Calisthenics, the Ido Portal method and Ginastica natural. I see them as complementary so worth combining into a single thread. All 3 methods are accessible to everyone no matter of age or fitness level. Does anyone here do these disciplines?

For those that are unsure what this is i'll try and provide a short description.


Calisthenics is the term given to describe body weight and plyometric exercises . The basic moves include Push-ups, Pull ups and Chin ups, Sit ups and Squats. More advanced moves include, The Flag, Dragon flag and The Planche.

Ido Portal Method

Ido Portal is an Israeli born teacher of movement based exercises. He has become a bit of a hit through social media sites like YouTube. His methodology emphasizes the importance of including sometimes unorthodox looking movements to condition the body. Essentially it's a mix of gymnastic skills, hand-balancing, stretching exercises, Capoeira and more.

Ginastica Natural

This was first developed by Professor Alvaro Romano and Brazilian Ju-jitsu practitioner that began to explore some Eastern techniques of movement and body weight conditioning. The exercises are essentially a mix of 'animal' movements, Yoga, stretching and breathing.
OK I practice doing some of all 3 disciples outlined above as well as some yoga. actually Ive just started the Bikram Yoga and attended about 18 classes. I'm currently looking for a more dynamic and taxing form of yoga as well as joining my local gymnastic club.

Skills I am working on are.

1. The planche
2. The flag.
3. The backflip
4. 60 second handstand

I go to the gym put mainly practice my bodyweight stuff at home. I have gymnastic ring attached to my ceiling and gymnastic stall bars on my wall. I use them for many different moves like muscle-ups, front and back levers, L-sits and V-sits.

In 2015 I want to incorporate more movement and flow based exercises into my training regime.