Call Harder to get Act NOW Please!him to vote YES on the MORE Act.


Well-Known Member

Dear MoveOn member,

For far too long, marijuana’s legal status has been used as a vehicle for police to harass and oppress communities of color. This harm will remain a stain on the moral fabric of America until work is done to bring justice to those directly impacted by the war on drugs.

This week, the House will vote on the Marijuana Opportunity, Reinvestment, and Expungement (MORE) Act, which would remove cannabis from the federal list of controlled substances, resentence federal convictions, and more.

Will you call Representative Josh Harder at 855-781-9885, and tell him to vote in favor of the MORE Act?

This legislation is the most comprehensive marijuana reform bill ever introduced in Congress. Here’s what the transformative legislation would do:1

  • It would provide much-needed relief and criminal expungements to communities that have been ravaged by the racist enforcement of marijuana prohibition.
  • It would remove marijuana from the Controlled Substances Act, which decriminalizes it at the federal level and enables states to set their own policies. This also would pave the way for more medical research.
  • It would allow the existing state-legal marijuana industry to access services and standard tax treatment available to all legal businesses.
  • It would provide a roadmap for states to legalize marijuana in a just and equitable way.
  • It would enable VA doctors to make medical cannabis recommendations to veterans, a critical reform with opioid addiction continuing to ravage communities.
  • It would remove the threat of deportation for immigrants accused of minor marijuana infractions.
This commonsense law is popular across the political spectrum, and a previous version of the MORE Act passed the House during the last congressional session in December of 2020.2 Now let's help get this bill across the finish line in the House once more!

Call Rep. Josh Harder at 855-781-9885, and demand he vote in support of the MORE Act this week.

The criminalization of marijuana has ruined countless lives. The MORE Act is a critical step in righting past wrongs that have resulted in the disproportionate policing of Black and brown communities for far too long.

Call Rep. Harder now at 855-781-9885, and tell him why you support the MORE Act—and encourage him to support this impactful legislation.

The war on drugs is a racist extension of a carceral system that alienates and disposes of people. It's time to bring justice to the communities that have been decimated by decades of racist drug laws—and the MORE Act is essential in moving in this direction.

Thanks for all you do.

–Arvin, Jaira, Jenn, Justin, and the rest of the team
I just looked him up. Seems okay. I’m not in his district.

Still call. It won't hurt. MoveOn lets me know when something is very important usually. Well that and will I give them more money too.
I called and left a message. Name Phone number are the minimum to be considered.
I made a speech about after prohibition, Anslinger was the Devil saving White Prohibition Jobs and F'n Weed up for the millions of people to come in the name of going after the Blacks and their evil "Jazz" and the Hindus.
So he turned on people of Color and then went on a world wide crusade to make it illegal around the world.

His family hid where is Grave is. If I knew I would leave him a pile. That is for sure.

The man behind the marijuana ban for all the wrong reasons

The man behind the marijuana ban for all the wrong reasons
By Cydney Adams

November 17, 2016 / 5:45 PM / CBS News

Watch the latest CBSN Originals documentary, “Big Pot: The Commercial Takeover”.

If you look for the roots of America’s ban on cannabis, you’ll find nearly all roads lead to a man named Harry Anslinger. He was the first commissioner of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics, which laid the ground work for the modern-day DEA, and the first architect of the war on drugs.

Anslinger was appointed in 1930, just as the prohibition of alcohol was beginning to crumble (it was finally repealed in 1933), and remained in power for 32 years. Early on, he was on record essentially saying cannabis use was no big deal. He called the idea that it made people mad or violent an “absurd fallacy.”

But when Anslinger was put in charge of the FBN, he changed his position entirely.

Harry J. Anslinger, commissioner of the Treasury Department’s Federal Bureau of Narcotics, poses for a photo on September 24, 1930. AP
“From the moment he took charge of the bureau, Harry was aware of the weakness of his new position. A war on narcotics alone — cocaine and heroin, outlawed in 1914 — wasn’t enough,” author Johann Hari wrote in his book, “Chasing the Scream: The First and Last Days of the War on Drugs.” “They were used only by a tiny minority, and you couldn’t keep an entire department alive on such small crumbs. He needed more.”

That's Him! The Devil Himself!
Still call. It won't hurt. MoveOn lets me know when something is very important usually. Well that and will I give them more money too.
I called and left a message. Name Phone number are the minimum to be considered.
I made a speech about after prohibition, Anslinger was the Devil saving White Prohibition Jobs and F'n Weed up for the millions of people to come in the name of going after the Blacks and their evil "Jazz" and the Hindus.
So he turned on people of Color and then went on a world wide crusade to make it illegal around the world.

His family hid where is Grave is. If I knew I would leave him a pile. That is for sure.

The man behind the marijuana ban for all the wrong reasons

That's Him! The Devil Himself!
I agree with you about that Anslinger. Total toolbag.
Years ago I used to repair dictation machines in Eugene- one of our clients was a law firm called Johnson, Cram, and Harder
The one that had me rollin was a communication from (in retrospect a Russian/ Ukrainian Jew) named Semen Musher. I had a somewhat rude mental image.
Isn't just another Soros propaganda vehicle?

My how times have changed..

Isn't just another Soros propaganda vehicle?

My how times have changed..

Maybe? Got any proof for us all?

I'm sure it frightens anti-democracy folk a lot that people want to have progressive things like legal Cannabis.
I'm sure you don't want to see it legal for all.
Isn't just another Soros propaganda vehicle?

My how times have changed..

Where’s the same treatment for the Koch brothers?