Call me paranoid or alert but PLEASE CALL IT!!! Saw something very alarming today PIX

Judging by the size of the helo in your sideways pics, they don't know you exist. Stop worrying about it, and get your light back on, my friend.
tehn quit wasting time and tear it down and get rid of anything illegal..someone you told may have ratted...and dont come with this you didnt tell told be safe and only sorry that you got rid of it for nothing...cause if you dont you may be sitting in Rikers being sorry tomorrow

I wouldn't have needed to come on a forum and ask a question to think what you've just typed. I was looking for peoples individual experiences regarding FLIR and to get more knowledge about what could have been happening. So far so good.
For the record those pics were taken at the last minute when I decided it would better help my story. They were way closer then that and slowed down over my building. Like I said before, I've lived in this neighborhood for a few decades, if this were a normal occurence I wouldn't have been worried about it. This copter was in the same area, so if there was a police investigation it would have been very clear by the presence of cops other then one lone helicopter. But I'm reassured and appreciate all the comments I guess it was just a coincidence.