Kodank Moment
Well-Known Member
Y'all need gamefly....srsly. It'll be here in 4 days...probably returned in similar time. I'll get Fable 3 after that.
played it pretty much all day today, and am loving it so far. Its a great game with that COD feel. Def worth the cash.
I suppose I'll have to pry myself away from Fall Out New Vegas and dive into Black Ops. It comes out on my birthday!
anyone else have problems updating their ps3? i feel like it alwyas takes like 100 tries at diff times of the day
Oh yeah, I'm so jealous that I can't use the aim assist to get a 1 shot kill. Quick scoping is retarded. Even though you can use SOH on a sniper class in BO, they still pretty much eliminated quick scoping from it. Now it will actually take some SKILL to do it. Seriously, its not realistic to walk around running and gunning with a sniper rifle. You can call me whatever you like but my mind will not change. Quick scoping is retarded and takes no skill! Period.
i can no scope with the barret like a beast. Not quickscoping but just hipfire beasting