Call Of Duty: Black Ops

Will Black Ops Be Superior To MW2?

  • Yes

    Votes: 56 72.7%
  • No

    Votes: 21 27.3%

  • Total voters
may be a repost... but

did anyone find the campaign to be somewhat boring in this game...

The online is crazy good though
You all prb know but for those who dont. At the main screen alternate triggers and u will come out of the chair, go over to the computer and type doa, enter the zombie mini game.
also type in the computer when you get out the chair : 3arc unlock, that will give you the 2nd zombie pack called 'five'. But yeh the main thing i loved on mw2 was qucik scoping, i think iv figured a way of doing it on black ops, but its alot harder! ballistic knives are fucking awesome!!!!
crossbow and hatchet or youre a pussy.

fuck yeah Tomahawk is beastly

also type in the computer when you get out the chair : 3arc unlock, that will give you the 2nd zombie pack called 'five'. But yeh the main thing i loved on mw2 was qucik scoping, i think iv figured a way of doing it on black ops, but its alot harder! ballistic knives are fucking awesome!!!!

fuck you quickscoper
you don't like quickscoping because you can't do it. you prolly noob tube.

quickscoping is not easy at all, if it was everyone would do it. it takes a certain amount of skill to do.
lol I was gonna say the same thing about you squishmitten. Probly run around with danger close and one man army. Like I said NO SKILL is involved, unless you count your timing. The game does the rest. I guarentee it. Have you ever scoped in one someone, when another enemy runs by and your scope mysteriously follows that person? Its called the aim assist, and its what all quick scopers use. No one likes that shit. Thats why when you get SOH pro, it gives the ability to aim down the sights faster ( except with sniper rifles). Hats off to Treyarch for fixing this BS problem.
We don't like quickscoping because it's stupid and just turns the game into a joke. I guess you'd agree that using macro's in games is also perfectly fine, and the issue is purely the rest who don't know how to do it?
Just played an hour of the campaign and tbh, what a load of crap really. How scripted dull and monotonous does it want to get. can't believe they are still including auto aim. Last time i played with auto aim would have been goldeneye when there were no crosshairs and i still objected to it.
Just played an hour of the campaign and tbh, what a load of crap really. How scripted dull and monotonous does it want to get. can't believe they are still including auto aim. Last time i played with auto aim would have been goldeneye when there were no crosshairs and i still objected to it.

i gotta agree although i did switch 2 hardened so no auto aim but i cant push myself 2 play the story, i am only at the part where u meet JFK, its pretty and the sound is amazing but it just dosnt pull me in or maybe im just addicted to wager match gambling XD
I will certainly admit it looks a good bit prettier than all the youtube video's made it out. I've only gotten so far as to have jumped outta the plane and been nabbed, but i am just not drawn in, there just seems to be too much going on, anywhere and everywhere, it seems that unless you pck the correct route or hiding place you're guaranteed to be blown to pieces. Really gotta love the "cover me while i open this door" section of the missions, woooo, just kinda like zombies, but part of the story.

I also hate games that have level restart triggers completely irrelevent to what's happened. First mission where you're meant to melee the guard at the window and let the convoy pass, you fire one shot out of the window and it tells you your actions have resulted in your team dying, um, no, we're all stood at the doorway wy the hell are you restarting! If you tell me to keep quiet, and i attack the convoy, well hell, get firing, well hell, change of plan , draw that weapon soldier!
im happy with the online, new maps next month, i think itll keep me busy for awhile for the mostpart until somethin else comes out although im thinkin about pickin up AC2 tomarrow
Just spent £30 on a new graphics card so i could see how good it could really look, seems like i'll need to wait for something like BF3 to actually make good use of it :D Can't stand the FFA of the COD games, although it may be more the scale of the game as opposed to the FFA nature, i like setting up a trap or whatnot, and then waiting and then acting it out, not the gung ho unreal tournament type player, can certainly play well, just not enjoyably :D

One thing i love about pc gaming, download it for free, if it's good, get out to the store and buy it, if it's naff, well end of story :)