calling all CFL guru's

harvest x

hello i have recently decided to do a closet CFL grow after successfully cross breeding the strains "ice" and chronic" ( its a demon of a breed) ive been more of a HPS boy and i just need to be pinted in the right direction in the terms of CFL growing. I dont have anything setup yet but heres what im planning on doing with the stuff i have.

Right now i have 4 23w daylight CFLs all 5500k which i will be using to veg 2-3 plants and i will probably upgrade as the time comes i want to veg for atleast a month. im just wondering if 4 23 watters will do for atleast 2-3 weeks i will definatly add more if needed possibly 42 watters.

any help will be much appreciated will also post pics when this babey is alive and budding.:hump:



Active Member
Should be fine, really. I vegged a couple of clones recently on 65w for 2 weeks, then 130w for 2 weeks, they were a good size when they went into 12/12 and are doing really nicely now.

My experience with that means I'm doing the same again now and personally consider that for vegging you don't really need more than 200w max, as long as light placement is good.


Active Member
Honestly i would try to get like 2 of those perplant i would like like 5-6 would be alot better per plant if your planning on veg for 1 month they will get big and one 23 watt per plant is not optimum growing conditions i would have like 1 light right above eash plant about 2 inches and they stick two-three of them in the middle towards the botom of the plants to get some light down there. Cfl's are not great at oenetrating canopys. go buy 1-2 more so you have five and focus 1 above each one and then two towards the botom in the middle the plants will do 50 percent better then they will now

harvest x

thanks for all the help guys yous put me right on track.

i just went out and brought 6 42 watters as well on top as the other globes i have and looking at this 130w bulb at my local shop :)

thanks for your time guys,


Active Member
Maybe try and build a fitting that would allow you to place the bulbs all arround the plants. This will really help during flowering to get light to as many bud sights as possible.

"Marijuana BUDS for less - Grow 8 oz. of bud for less than $100" is a good book if you are using CFL lights. It shows you a nice setup and goes through the grow day by day.