calling ALL closet growers ! need tips


Well-Known Member
alrite so im 2weeks into flower and need a dehumidifyer but ive been told the let out alot of heat , and my temps are allready at there limits just with my cfls"keep in mind its a small closet" does anyone have any tips in howto keep the temps down if i add a dehumidifyer? without bashin a hole thru my closet for ventulation lol


Active Member
Dehumidifiers use a heat pump (similar to an air conditioner's heat pump) to de-humidify. A heat pump dehumidifier uses a fan to draw indoor air over a heat exchange coil. It returns to the indoor air the heat generated by the dehumidifier - not good for you if your closets already warm .....
there are also chemical de-humidifiers or there is also a product ive used called "damp rid" its like these little crystal things that draw moisture out of the air and collect below the crystals - should find it at your hardware store .... usually used for rising damp in houses ....


Well-Known Member
yeah thats rite i had one of those little platics things in my old room , ill give them a try thanks, and ill go have a look at chemical dehumidfyers


Well-Known Member
the best suggestion I have is a portable air conditioning unit...Mine has a specific mode for dehumidify, and I bought it slightly used on ebay for under $80.00

I ran it all summer and it's functionality is perfect..Keep in mind its used so its not the newest looking tool in my grow room arsonal.. The portables comes in all different sizes and most have wheels as well..To be honest with you the one I bought was a lil bit big but it shoe horned in there and works great.. Add a couple of small fans and it should be rock and roll, that is unless your closet is really small...

Just my .02