Calling all gardeners


Well-Known Member
I have a few planter boxes that Ive been using to grow lettuce, tomato, peppers, eggplants. I've used the same soil for two or three years now. I am guessing it is time to amend my soil. Can anyone give me tips on how to do this? Should I just go buy some compost from the local store? Add plant nutrients?


Virtually Unknown Member
I'd dump it all out and get new. Especially with tomatoes and cukes. I've had certain diseases carry over til the next year so I wouldn't take the chance.


Well-Known Member
You could mix in some good, nutrient rich amendments such as worm castings, bat guano, composted chicken manure, etc. Possibly look into vf resistant tomatoes if you've grown them there in the past few years as pathogens can build up in the soil.

Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Any suggestions on which compost to use? Can I just throw some chicken manure in it and call it good?


Well-Known Member
rotate your crops, don't plant them in the same area over and over. Plant beans and peas to restore nitrogen in the soil. If you could choose any compost get mushroom, use it as a top dressing & teas.