* Calling all liberals, Video what do you think?


Well-Known Member
Its Congress' Fault. They are the ones who control the purse strings and can OK a deficit. The president can whine and cry and bitch all he wants, but congress wears the financial pants in the family.

Who just OK'd a new deficit ceiling increase of $1.8 trillion?


Obama Just spends all the money as fast as Congress can Ok it and the Treasury can print up some Paper Promises to give to the fed for different paper promises called Dollars. And we will pay interest on it to boot. for 30 year bonds we are paying 4.4% interest http://www.treasurydirect.gov/RT/RTGateway?page=institMktbles

Anyone know what the total pay off on 30 years of 4.4% on 1,800,000,000 is? Lets just say its more than double the original sum. Money you and I will have to pay in the form of taxes.


Well-Known Member
like i said before, Obama has had a negligible effect on the budget deficit - it is based on legislation passed long before he ever took office - if you think otherwise, than adjust your reality because you are living in a very strange place

Big P

Well-Known Member

dude you post an article from 4 years ago? lol nice one!!:hug:

im talking about the video presentation in the above post you are a little confused my friend

that shit happened a while ago, thats all included as spending under bush in the video presentation which is the subject of this thread

its one of the main reason bushs spending number is so high , for a conservative:dunce:

as you can see from the presentation, or not:idea: you cant even get anything straight from watching a video before commenting on it first you say its 8% when its actually 0.8% (big difference) then you say it doesnt matter anyway

watch the video before you get yourself confused little buddy

Big P

Well-Known Member
like i said before, Obama has had a negligible effect on the budget deficit - it is based on legislation passed long before he ever took office - if you think otherwise, than adjust your reality because you are living in a very strange place

we are not talking about deficit spending, we are talking about increases in deficit spending under each president as a percentage of GDP "increases in deficit spending"

every president is judged by this measure its funny how you seem to like to gloss over it like its nothing when its obama

but if it was bush i bet you woulda shouted it from the rooftops

"oooohhhh lowd jesus, oooooh lawd jeeeesuuuss, hep me, hep me, hep me" :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
dude you post an article from 4 years ago? lol nice one!!:hug:

yes, the beck video was about that budget, as discussed in the article, bush failed to include the war costs in his budget

im talking about the video presentation in the above post you are a little confused my friend

not in the least

that shit happened a while ago, thats all included as spending under bush in the video presentation which is the subject of this thread

oh, so the material is relevant? it's all included as spending in the beck video, eh? so it is relevant. and, no asshole, it's not included as "spending" in the video
its one of the main reason bushs spending number is so high , for a conservative:dunce:

yea right, that was it

as you can see from the presentation, or not:idea: you cant even get anything straight from watching a video before commenting on it first you say its 8% when its actually 0.8% (big difference) then you say it doesnt matter anyway

did you even understand the fact that beck was demonstrating deficits as a percentage of GDP? my point was the clinton budgets resulted in a surplus. there was no clinton deficit. there was a surplus. there was not a 8% deficit, not even a .8% deficit - there was a surplus. capiche?

watch the video before you get yourself confused little buddy
in light of the fact that you cannot follow this conversation, i find your advice ironically empty


Well-Known Member

we are not talking about deficit spending, we are talking about increases in deficit spending under each president as a percentage of GDP "increases in deficit spending"

every president is judged by this measure its funny how you seem to like to gloss over it like its nothing when its obama

oh really? the electorate is that stupid? not where i'm from.

but if it was bush i bet you woulda shouted it from the rooftops

"oooohhhh lowd jesus, oooooh lawd jeeeesuuuss, hep me, hep me, hep me"
ignorant assumption

Big P

Well-Known Member
in light of the fact that you cannot follow this conversation, i find your advice ironically empty

your simply wrong about clinton

and wrong about bush

you think a network that generates this much viewership, that one show that has around 3.4 million viewers a night just for that show, blows all other news channels out the water

you think these guys would make such a blatent, obvious and might I add a compleatly pointless lie about clinton even showing him in a good light compared to bush?

this lie was so simply obvious to you, but they chose to expose themselves as liers to 3.4 million people over a pointless lie that would benifit them nothing because it shows clinton in a good light!?

as to the wars included in the budget i think he even says it on the video that the wars are included in those numbers


bada bing!

anyway glen beck has a red phone on his show connected directly to the white house:mrgreen:

they have the phone number and they have yet to correct him on anything he has said about them

and you can damn well be sure they got a room, full of rooms, full of other rooms, full of cubicles, full of people with pens, lots of pens!!! with lots of paper!!!! waiting for old glenn to slip up!!!!

but he aint gonna slip up see!!!!! he aint i tell ya!!!! he aint!!!!!




Well-Known Member
your simply wrong about clinton


and wrong about bush


you think a network that generates this much viewership, that one show that has around 3.4 million viewers a night just for that show, blows all other news channels out the water

you think these guys would make such a blatent, obvious and might I add a compleatly pointless lie about clinton even showing him in a good light compared to bush?

they do it all the time

this lie was so simply obvious to you, but they chose to expose themselves as liers to 3.4 million people over a pointless lie that would benifit them nothing because it shows clinton in a good light!?

they do it all the time

as to the wars included in the budget i think he even says it on the video that the wars are included in those numbers


i don't think he did, why don't you go have a look

bada bing!

anyway glen beck has a red phone on his show connected directly to the white house:mrgreen:

connected to the white house? so obama has a direct line to the Kremlin and to beck eh? how old are you?

they have the phone number and they have yet to correct him on anything he has said about them

oh, they've corrected beck

and you can damn well be sure they got a room, full of rooms, full of other rooms, full of cubicles, full of people with pens, lots of pens!!! with lots of paper!!!! waiting for old glenn to slip up!!!!

but he aint gonna slip up see!!!!! he aint i tell ya!!!! he aint!!!!!

no comment


this guy is a nutjob

Big P

Well-Known Member
gotta admit the room fulla rooms was funny:weed:

what you puffin on these days jeff

im smokin on some jack the ripper these days the shit good

Big P

Well-Known Member
yah, pretty funny
strawberry cough lately
i've read good things about JTR

yea i wanna try that straberry cough

gonna take the pluge and do some green dragon tomorrow,

u ever mess with that stuff?

im addicted to it, take it like 3 times a week friday saturday and wednessday:bigjoint:

that shit will ruin your day:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
yea i wanna try that straberry cough

gonna take the pluge and do some green dragon tomorrow,

u ever mess with that stuff?

im addicted to it, take it like 3 times a week friday saturday and wednessday:bigjoint:

that shit will ruin your day:bigjoint:
never tried it - had to look it up cause i've never heard of it before

i don't drink much alcohol. maybe a little wine on occasion. but i've done weed and alcohol in my younger days.

i agree, that combo will definitely launch your attitude. and ingesting both would be intense.

last time i did something like that was at a bar - had to leave my car in a bad neighborhood 'cause there was no way i could drive.

too fucking old to enjoy that behavior now. not complaining - but that's the way it is. so be it.

Big P

Well-Known Member
never tried it - had to look it up cause i've never heard of it before

i don't drink much alcohol. maybe a little wine on occasion. but i've done weed and alcohol in my younger days.

i agree, that combo will definitely launch your attitude. and ingesting both would be intense.

last time i did something like that was at a bar - had to leave my car in a bad neighborhood 'cause there was no way i could drive.

too fucking old to enjoy that behavior now. not complaining - but that's the way it is. so be it.

i feel ya man

its different than smoking and drinking

like u only use the alchol as a conduit for the weed so you dont get drunk but just really high as fuck but it last for like 6 - 12 hours depending on how much you take

litteraly you will go to sleep blasted and wake up still high the next morning if you take too much

its like eating weed brownies but a lil different cuz you force your liver to process the weed ASAP because its infused in the alcahol which the liver process real quik compared to a brownie

and it tastes like shit so you take a tiny bit

but i take it so much it increases my tollerence so i just took like 2 shots with about 1 gram of primo bud infused in it

hope its enough to blast me but not enough to make me call in to work tomorrow:hump:

i wanna take 1 more, hmmmmm it is wacky wednessday after all

i like to do it on wednesday cuz it breaks up the work week real nice:hump:

you live where medical mary is legal right? maybe you can get a brownie from somone i smoke for years before trying this method instead of smoking

you must expiricane it, but only take a tiny bit, i took way too much the first time and thought i was gonna die, it can really freak you out if you get to high

i think the cool thing about doing the politics chat online is that we can be assholes to each other but not really have hard feelings,

lol in person having arguments like this would break out into a fist fights more than likey lol

so how old are you anyway?

im around 33


Well-Known Member
i feel ya man

its different than smoking and drinking

like u only use the alchol as a conduit for the weed so you dont get drunk but just really high as fuck but it last for like 6 - 12 hours depending on how much you take

litteraly you will go to sleep blasted and wake up still high the next morning if you take too much

its like eating weed brownies but a lil different cuz you force your liver to process the weed ASAP because its infused in the alcahol which the liver process real quik compared to a brownie

and it tastes like shit so you take a tiny bit

but i take it so much it increases my tollerence so i just took like 2 shots with about 1 gram of primo bud infused in it

hope its enough to blast me but not enough to make me call in to work tomorrow:hump:

i wanna take 1 more, hmmmmm it is wacky wednessday after all

i like to do it on wednesday cuz it breaks up the work week real nice:hump:

you live where medical mary is legal right? maybe you can get a brownie from somone i smoke for years before trying this method instead of smoking

you must expiricane it, but only take a tiny bit, i took way too much the first time and thought i was gonna die, it can really freak you out if you get to high

i think the cool thing about doing the politics chat online is that we can be assholes to each other but not really have hard feelings,

lol in person having arguments like this would break out into a fist fights more than likey lol

so how old are you anyway?

im around 33
ahha! i see how the green dragon works. that i might try. i ate the brownies a while back. it was a bit different. pretty intense but it came on slower than smoking. sounds like the green dragon is aptly named. thanks for the heads up on how much to take.

like they say, politics and religion tend to inflame folks. one of my good friends is pretty conservative. although we don't agree on politics, we do agree on a lot of other things and that's good enough. it's a lot more important to have friends than to make a point.

i'll be 60 next month. started smoking weed in 1967. a friend of a friend was from the "projects" and sold tin foil $1 bags. Started buying oz's and even an occasional lb within a couple years at college. been smoking ever since. i didn't make it to woodstock, had a lot of fun marching on washington. we had the national guard on campus during the kent state thing. went to a lot of music festivals and had no idea that those groups would become icons.

that old music from the 60's and 70's is still what i listen to. take it easy on the dragon !